Originally Posted by VetteVet
You have to get 12 volts on the brown wire in order for the alternator to charge. The current from it closes the regulator points and puts power on the blue and white wires. You should get 12 volts with the key on and zero with the key off. If you don't get 12 volts on the brown wire it may have a break in it or a bad connection at the firewall block or the key switch.
As a test you might try running a temporary wire from the battery hot to the brown wire on the regulator plug and check the alternator output wire for 14.5 volts. with the engine running.
Yes I have a pretty good feeling I'll find the
Problem with the brown wire on the dash side going to the ignition switch. I'm dreading going back in that area. I had a nightmare in there with ignition, lights and signal switch issues but got all that working, ugh. Of course you helped me with those issues before.
Well best case it is just wiring issues and I don't need an alternator or regulator. Don't no how the battery is charging right now with these issues. lol dang po issues. Thanks again.