Trying to find Stock Quadrajet Rod and Jet sizes
Well this weekend I'm picking up a complete '68 350 as a core to rebuild since my 307 has always been an underwhelming performer and now has a either a blown head gasket or cracked head. The 350 has a Quadrajet and while my previous experiences with Quadrajets haven't been great (a very poor rebuild by a "professional" and a pitted carb body on another), I'm going to give it another try because neither one of those gave me as much trouble as the Edelbrock 1406 that's on it now. I'm trying to find out the factory jetting and rod sizes for a C10 with a 350 without the air injection so I can have a good baseline to tune from. I've looked in my GM chassis overhaul manual and chassis service manual but neither list any Rod and jet sizes. Any help would be appreciated.
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