WTB: AC Evaporator Box Whole or Part
Chasing an AC evaporator intact with solid metal inner parts or would consider just the inside metal panel if that is solid. Just discovered mine has metal too far gone to reuse. Dang mice helped to ruin this one.
1972 K5 CST Highlander Blazer: http://67-72chevytrucks.com/vboard/s...d.php?t=708547
1972 K20 Cheyenne Super: http://67-72chevytrucks.com/vboard/s...d.php?t=528308
 Members met: ORANGBLAZ, 2003 silverado, MikeCofield, BB72CHEVKT, Duncan&Son, Sameyrasmea72, THENEWMEXICAN, HotRod C/10, brianthelion02, Sport/Truck, ryanroo, michael bustamante, Dirt's72, Already Gone, WestButteTruck, 57taskforce, Moreyel, painterljp, AASmedic, SoCoC10, Lumaestas, carbuff382, Chevyland