Drivelive angles with 2 piece driveshaft?
So I just got my Gear Vendors Overdrive installed in my crew cab. I have set up plenty of cars up with 1 piece but my brain is hurting thinking about this 2 piece. After getting my shortened shaft back and installed tonight here is where I am. Its up on jackstands but the rear weight is in the axle. Overall everything is higher at the front and goes downhill all the way to the axle.
Measuring off the balancer the motor / trans is 5.8 degrees angled down at the back. The front shaft is also down front to back but a shallower angle at 3.2 the back shaft is kicks up a hair the other direction but only .5 difference at 3.7 angled down front back and finally pinion is up to the rear shaft at 5.0
Do I need to make some adjustments or is it OK like this?