Originally Posted by mckee5782
Thanks guys, I think I got my first full night sleep last night since I started the project. I'm not a very patient man.
Truck is driving ok but the 700r4 is shifting into overdrive really quick after hitting drive.... not sure what is going on there. I'm not a trany guy.
Also speedo head is working but the speedo gear in the tail shaft has to big of a square hole for the cable and I can just spin the gear with small screwdriver which makes me believe it might be stripped. Does that sound right to you guys.
Anyone know any pointers on the overdrive dill?
If the trans is shifting into top gear (4th) all to quickly start with the TV cable. It could be out of adjustment or your Carbs TV Throttle Mount might not be adjusted right. Also you might need a TV Geometry Corrector at the area of the Throttle Shaft Lever.