Grounded alternator wire now truck won't crank
88 K5 Blazer. I had my alternator unhooked. The alt has a two wire plug (brown and orange) and a single orange wire hooked to a post. I had my battery unhooked when I took the alternator off. I had put the alt back on and not hooked it up yet. Well I got distracted and started working on my electric windows. So I hooked the ground back up to try my windows. When I did a heard a small arc behind the alternator. Not smoke or anything. Now my truck won't crank. It turns over but won't start. The brown wire on the plug is hot, but the orange wire on the post is not. It has a fusible link on the orange wire that runs to the post. The wire is orange on the alt side then red when it comes out of the fusible link. I have no fire on either side of the fusible link. Where do I need to look? Also my horn and radio won't work. There is a ECMB fuse that has no voltage and the fuse is not blown. Any idea? Thanks.