Originally Posted by CaptRMW
Putting $300.00 worth of paint on a $1300.00 engine is like putting a $50,000.00 saddle on a $20.00 horse. I won't hold my breath waiting for the Bloomington Gold Gurus with their color swatches to write me up for the wrong color on my engine. Art go get the VHT engine rattle can paint and hurry up or the warranty will be up before you get to drive it. 
LMAO! CaptRMW, you always crack me up! Valid point as well. Found out that the local NAPA wants $49.99 (WITH a buddy's employee discount) for a quart of chevy orange. That doesn't include the necessary reducer and hardener.
...and to think that I just returned a couple cans of VHT just this weekend.