Small block Chevy - These engines have used three different timing pointer locations. Pre '69 engines have the TDC mark 2° to the left of the keyway centerline. The '69 to '85 dampers have the TDC mark 10° to the left of the keyway centerline. The 1986 to 1991/1992 have the TDC mark 40° to the left of the timing mark. All of our SB Chevy dampers, as well as all other aftermarket dampers, use the 10° TDC position. Our 6.75" diameter models have two TDC marks, one that is 10° and one that is 40° to the left of the timing mark. If you have a pre '69 vehicle you can use one of the aftermarket bolt-on timing pointers to align correctly with the timing marks on our dampers.
thats quoted from
they made my balancer. so, tell me right now if my balancer is correct for my pointer i have