Wiring for a 1969 C10 Pickup
Hey guys,
I bought a Ron Francis wiring kit and just finished wiring the first part of the truck, the ignition, starter, alternator and all that. I went to start the truck and the starter soleniod got really hot. It clicked once and would not turn over. The battery is low, so I am charging that, but what would cause the starter soleniod to get hot like that? I could smell a burning smell as well, so not sure if I have too much power going to it. I have an upgraded alternator, and there are wires going into the starter soleniod from the battery, alternator, main panel wire and ignition wire all hook to the main post on the soleniod. I am wondering if I have too many wires on one post. Ron Francis supplies a block to reroute some of those wires. Any help would be appreciated as we are not stuck. I will be contacting Ron Francis on Monday as well.
Thanks guys.