Originally Posted by Chris_72_JIMMY
So I grabbed some new spicer u-joins from the auto parts store and started to clean it up. Now I am conflicted as to weather throw a coat of paint or possibly powdercoat it. I am just wanting to hear from some of you guys as far as if it will need a rebalance after I decide on what route to go with coating it. Also does this shaft normally turn with the truck in 2wd or only with 4wd engaged?
The front shaft only turns in 4WD. I powder coated everything including yokes and driveshafts. The powder weighs nothing, so you wont nee to re-balance.
A trick I use to prevent powder from going where I don't want it, like the U-joint bores on the yokes, is to use aluminum tape that the HVAC guys use for sealing duct work. The trick is to remove the tape while the parts are still warm.