Originally Posted by gringoloco
VN215s are gonna look good on this! I tried fitting them on mine, but no-go in the front hub I like where you’re going with this
Originally Posted by Bennett68C10
Looking good Jason, those wheels should look great on your Burb!
I hope you're right about the wheels! My new meaty tires showed up yesterday. I can't wait to get these mounted. Thanks for the recommendation Keith! I took a mental health day today from work and spent some time in the garage. Slowly but surely, I'm making some some progress. The lower control arm on the driver side is salvagable but the arm on the passenger side is pretty rusty. I can't even get the control arm shaft nut to break loose with a giant socket and breaker bar. I'm kind of at a cross roads of how to proceed. Is the additional cost justified in getting a set of tubular control arms (CPP, PB) or should I just track down a set of used lowers, or even a set of repop factory lowers? I'm open to any suggestions!