Originally Posted by swamp rat
Don’t forget that the outer rocker will probably cover that area. I think the x area is fine, all the replacement lower pieces aren’t formed worth a crap so don’t start thinking that it’s correct.
Thanks, Mike. I think I did damage it a little when I removed the brace. I had a friend of mine that is good with body work take a look at it, and he agrees with you that I should just leave it alone. When I compare the right and left sides I see a small difference in the shape of the upper part of the pillar, but I don't think I need to worry about it. The door hinges will still be in the right place, which is what matters the most. Right?
Originally Posted by mattfranklin
It keeps getting better!
Thanks, Matt. I finally feel like I am making some progress with the cab. It has seemed so far away in the past. Hopefully when I get to the point where I test fit the doors, it won't be a disaster.
Originally Posted by swamp rat
See on the top right pic how one area is close on the surface? I’d put a spot there then use ether a body hammer and or a small screwdriver to start pushing the metal of the patch into place then tag it as you go, just take your time to let the spots cool.
Originally Posted by swamp rat
No, just been waiting for better weather. On the lower piller it’s better to have the door side match up then the front side, try using a couple clamps to squeeze the other side into place. The metal moves easy enough to pull it in, don’t mess with the stock pillar!
Okay, so I will line up the door side, then work the metal to match on the front of the pillar. Should be able to manage that. Thanks. I will give it a shot this weekend.