Anatomy of a 67 day night mirror.
Bought this mirror locally from a guy parting out a truck. Decided to take it apart and see what's inside. My original mirror day-night lever is broken and the glass is not very good. Hopefully I can make one good one out of the two. Pulling the glass out is a bit tricky. It is glued in all the way around and all the way across the back. The rubber is glued in all the way around the edge of the metal, and is really hard to get off. I haven't got it all the way off yet, actually ripped a small hole in it trying to get it off. This thing was amazingly full of bug nests. It was pretty nasty. I'm either going to send the glass off to be resilvered or try to buy a new one. Anyway you can see here how it comes apart. It looks like I can transfer the lever into my mirror.