Changed the throttle return spring and that seem to help significantly. I believe the other one was too heavy and thats why when I mashed the gas, it still wasn't opening as much as it should. It also made the gas pedal significantly lighter (about the same as the old carb). With the new spring, I ran a new light blue line to the HEI. All in all its running
substantially better. I think now that is left is the timing.
Thank you for all the help!
Originally Posted by '68OrangeSunshine
I recommend a 12 ga line. Some hotrodders say only a 10 ga wire will do, but I don't think it's necessary. Choose a color not used elsewhere, or one that will be prominent. I have Orange on one truck and Red on another. The feed end is plugged into any open spade on Ign Unfused on the fuse block. It goes out the firewall and can join the rest of the harness on the firewall going over the hump and clip into the metal tabs on the valve cover as it runs to the BATT+ tab on the HEI coil cap.
I have still preserved the original wiring [Orange/purple/white resistance line and the Yellow 20s that split off it] so I could go back to the points distributor if I wanted. I taped off and folded back the OEM points wires. When my Pertronix II burned out, I went back to points for a year, before I sourced a 292-specific HEI.
The Yellow 20 connection on the Starter is no longer necessary.
On my 292, I got a ''low boy'' cap for Model Year '75-'77 HEI w/ Remote Coil for Chevy C/10. I had to make a bracket to hang my coil since the OEM between-the-lifter-cover-bolts-type was not available. [Could not find my filed L6 HEI pix.]
I made sure I got a Vacuum can for that vehicle, which approximated my '68 C/10.