"It's a peach",, 69 C10 part out.
Those were the previous owners words,, and we all laughed,, when he sold me this 69 C10. Title issues and condition means this one is going to become an organ donor. As most of you know, I CANNOT ship larger parts, all prices are shipped. No part too small if you need it. So,,, away we go. Upper radiator brackets, $15.00 for the pair. Six cylinder fan shroud,, $14.00 shipped. Wiper arms $20.00 shipped for the pair. I will be at the real job today, but will reply as quick as I can if you are needing something. Thanks, Fred.
Our paypal is specialtyretail@yahoo.com Please DO NOTsend paypal funds as a gift, right is right. Thanks.... Sorry, we CANNOT ship larger parts. Thanks.