the Swampbuck gets painted
I put the 2nd coat of my homemade paint on the truck. After pricing ppg paint I got cheep and went with duplicolor proffessional paint. I never painted a truck or car before so I figured in a couple years I'd use better paint. Any way, I call it homemade because I mixed 3.5 parts of midnight blue metalic to 1 part revin red. Yes I got a dark purple but when the sun hits the curves of the truck it turns blue metallic. I guess its a whitetrash flip flop paint. Well figure I'd show you all that if you bug enough people that know about painting that you too can do a decent paint job. It is no show truck but its better than sitting in the garage in primer or worse yet a junkyard. So go easy on me. And to all you people out there that can paint and produce show quality truck, my hat is off to you, you people are truely skilled.