Any Coats tire changer troubleshooters/technicians on board....
Guys, I got a good deal on a refurbished Coats 5060 tire changer. Now, I know leaks so much air my huge air compressor cannot keep up. Not ever having used one, need some help in identifying the problem.
In looking over the parts breakdown manual, the air leak appears to be coming from the "mufflers" on the four way valve that is under and part of the "BL" cylinder. This is the cylinder that activates the bead breaker rod on the side of the unit. This valve is activated by the small push button on the bead breaker handle.
Question is , is the four way valve bad or is it the O rings and seals bad on the BL cylinder and allowing it to leak thru the "mufflers" . I can find several folks on flea bay selling seal kits to rebuild the this cylinder but am not sure which part is the culprit......thanks......