axle question, dana60 or gm14?
ok, i'm running 35" tires, a 450+ hp small block with an sm 465 and an np205 with 1/2 ton axels (i think 3:73). I'm not sure which rear axel i want, a Dana 60 (3/4 ton?) or a gm 14 bolt full floater(1 ton?). i have ben told that there are two types of 14 bolts out there. someone told me that there is a 14b semi floater and a 14b ff. how can i tell the drifference? is a dana 60 strong enough for me, my niegbor has a rear dana60 with 4:10's(the gears i want) and a posi for $400. good price?
I think i can build my dana 44 strong enough since most of the time when i'm really puting the power down i will be on the street in 2 wheel drive. Can i build it strong enough?
I already have 6 lug aluminum wheels (previous owner). can i get 6 lug axels for a dana 60 or gm 14b?
Thanks alot, Lance