heater and control panel resto
I wasn’t sure how this would work out. I wanted to re-do the heater and control panel. Since my outdoor spray both, which is a cable strung between my shed and a tree is not useable this time of year in the NE. I decided to get them powder coated so I could complete the interior before the seat came back from upholstery.
I couldn’t power coat the control panel with the material between the front and back sections as it would have melted in the oven. I’m sure this has been done before but I couldn’t find anything on it. So, I thought I would post my process and a few pictures. I drilled and filed the rivets to remove the light housing and separate the sections. I drilled and tapped the holes for the light housing for 4-40 screws. I didn’t think using the same method for the face would be strong enough to hold so I drilled and countersunk the face and used 4-40 screws with lock nuts Loctite on all the treads. I did a combination of the 68 black and 69 chrome control panel, since this is not a restoration to original, I do what I like. Special thanks to saxart for helping me out with heater core brackets. As always questions, comments and suggestions are welcome.
Last edited by SwitchbladeII; 03-21-2020 at 10:11 AM.