OK started a few days ago. My left blinker stopped working. The left brake light when stopping, stopped coming on. But it would light up when head lights are on. The emergency flasher of left tail light won't blink either. SO I changed buld. No go. Same deal. So I figure must be a short somewhere. Well tonight I steped on the brakes and when I looked towards back of truck, I thought dam that is sure white for a red tail light. Well come to find out when I turn on the right blinker on now the reverse lights comeon and flash like the emergency flashers should.
and the right blinker flashes fine. And when I put the brakes on the reverse lights comeon and flash as if I was putting on the brakes. (you know like taping the pedal they flash on/off) I just replaced the flasher unit a few months ago. (blinkers where not working) So as it states in the Title " WTF? " Could this be because of the blinker switch inside the steering column gone bad?