On my build, I went from a c10 master cylinder to a c30 master cylinder. What I’m confused about is the size of the lines/fittings on the c30 master cylinder. When I changed it, it was like the lines wad flip flopped (the front line was smaller on the c10 master cylinder and was larger on the c30 master, and the rear on the c10 was larger than the c30). So when I installed the c30 master cylinder, I moved the lines, one for the other but had to cut and reflare my brake lines to change the fittings for the proportioning valve. My question is does the front of a c10 master cylinder control the front brakes and the rear control the rear? And is it the same for the c30, or should I have kept the lines where they was on the proportioning valve and run the front on the master to the rear on the proportioning valve and the rear to the front?