WTB Blazer Rear Window Parts
.WTB.... Am in need of back window wiring and lock parts. Anyone know of anybody making the wiring harness and plugs for back window key switch. Bought a new key cylinder from LMC. Tookk it to a local glass shop here. They cut the original plug off and soldered the wires to switch itself and threw the old plug away. That just ain't a gonna work. Was pretty pissed but damage is done. Needing to figure out what else they did. The window goes down now with gate down. They also undid the safety and guessing threw that away also. So am needing most of stuff they took off. Any help will be appreciated. Let me know what you have. Thanks in advance.
Last edited by painterljp; 01-27-2021 at 09:05 AM.
Reason: Wtb forgot it.