Originally Posted by garyd1961
Not referring to you personally but I just don't understand this. The center bolt valve covers is an upgrade just like the roller cam and one piece rear seal. Yet people pay extra so they can put the old leaky type valve covers back on. For what? It's only bolts not every other bolt is the same as factory.
For me, everything I do to my truck is a balance between nostalgia and performance. For some people, that line is way one way where they want everything to be exactly as it was from the factory. I love seeing a totally stock truck, restored or not. It is something truly special. For others, it's more about performance and appearance. You end up with an LS motor, shaved firewall, notched frame, relocated tank, modern interior, etc. The craftsmanship in some of these trucks is truly impressive, and they still retain some nostalgia, at least from the outside. Valve cover adapters like this are for those of us who are a touch more on the nostalgia side than the performance side. I admit the adapters don't make a a lot of sense from a purely functional standpoint, but I am still tempted by them.