Re: 1971 GMC Fenderside 4x4 Build
Originally Posted by Ryanz
Well the passenger side looks like it only needs the outer rocker, but the driver side needs it all. Until we get it up and start cutting into it, and get a really good look I don't think we'll really know. Not sure yet if we'll do it ourselves, I may have Terry do it. Yep, got the manifold fixed, and the carb kit done. I may take you up on that lift. We have to lift it onto some saw horses to get a better look at it.
Did you do the carb 'rebuild' yourself? If so, did you check the throttle shaft slop? i.e. the clearance between the throttle shaft and carb body. In a pro-rebuild they ream out the body and press in a brass bushing. When done properly, the throttle shaft will rotate freely but have an almost interference fit. This little detail will help to keep air from leaking past the shaft and messing up the air-fuel ratio. Ask me how I know..................
Congrats on getting the floor out. Looks like "fun".
1971 SWB step side: Original NM Forestry truck, then NM Fire truck, and now a ranch truck.