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Old 12-02-2021, 12:54 AM   #17
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: NE Wyoming
Posts: 98
Yellow truck

I found a feller on Craigslist that has an enviable amount of these trucks and parts for these trucks. I drove over the mountain to look at a bed to replace the total dumpster fire of the one that is currently on the truck. He had a pretty nice orange bed that had a metal floor and a couple of bullet holes. We struck a deal and he showed me around his collection. Buried deep in a sea of trucks he had a super nice survivor 72 C20 in ochre without an engine. It was an electricians truck from Cody and still had some of the sign paint on the door and bedsides. I dismissed the yellow truck and headed home to return with a trailer at a later date to grab the orange bed. I started doing the math in my head as to how much paint would cost me and how long it would take and the price of the yellow truck started looking better and better. I called the guy back and we made a deal on the yellow truck. I drove back a couple weeks later and bought this truck for myself for Christmas. He loaned me the chassis as all I wanted was the body, helped me load it up, and sent me on my way.
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Last edited by usernamessuck; 12-02-2021 at 01:00 AM.
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