Custom Steering Wheel?
I couldn't find the steering wheel I wanted for my project. I love the rubber steering wheels from the vintage Camaros and Corvettes. I found a company that makes them for our trucks but they only offer 15" diameter. The 17" that is stock in the truck is just a little too big. I needed a solution. I like the Grant wood rimmed wheels but the quality is garbage so I decided to combine all of the above.
Drawing what I wanted in Solidworks was pretty easy but making it manufacturable with the tools I have was another issue. I think these are stamped when they are factory made and I thought about going that route. It seemed like a lot of work to build a bunch of wood bucks that could handle the tonnage of the stamping just for one steering wheel so I got creative.
Building my own allows me to have the diameter, dish, and grip diameter I want.