The title eplains it all. I've got a 67 SWB that the original owner removed the stock gas tank from behind the seat and strapped into the bed with ratchet straps.
This is obviously neither safe nor pretty so I would like to fix it. Putting the tank behind the cab again is not an option as the hole is already shaved, and I want to put my audio system/computer back there.
The truck is going to be bagged eventually so I would some opinions. I know that a fuel cell will probably cost more but I can get a higher fuel capacity and have more options for mounting. It will DEFINITLY be going under the bed as the truck will be used for hauling around my dirtbike and friends other toys. So what do you guys think? WHat's going to be my best option? Also any links to places to get fuel cells and all the stuff to do a conversion would be GREATLY appreciated.