Originally Posted by gcm
As far as I know the truck wasn't a fire truck the original owner was a farrier
You know, all this group speculation on a rusting pickup truck in a field in Alberta, reminds me of Percival Lowell, who built an astronomical oservatory in the mountains near Flagstaff, AZ in the 1890s. With the rarefied atmosphere and lack of light pullution, Lowell's powerful telescope was able to pull in images of the planet Mars, such as had never been seen before. He thought he saw striations on the surface, which he assumed were canals. The media had a frenzy, as only intelligent beings could dig, build and use Canals. Edgar Rice Burroughs got busy, and started writing his John Carter on Mars series. H G Wells followed with ''The War of the Worlds,'' with said Martians invading the Earth.
Turns out, there were no canals on Mars after all. Probably condensation of ice crystals on the exposed lens of his scope...