I picked this up on March 3rd in Mannford, OK. Texted my wife that I was heading back, but stopping north of KC to rest a while. She said "didn't you pay attention to the forecast for back home before you left ?. Um, no, should I have ?? It was then she informed me I was an idiot for not paying attention to the weather back home. There was a blizzard due to hit nearly the entire route of I35 I needed to drive to get home and it was starting from the north around 8pm and working it's way south.

I drove non stop except for plenty of gas 760 miles back the same day. Hit the blizzard about 60 miles south of the MN line in IA and fought the rest of the 180 miles north thru 6-8" of snow, most on roads that hadn't been plowed, arriving home just south of Hudson, WI at 1 am Wednesday.
I can't separate pics to narrate, so first pic is Mannford...10:30 am Tuesday morning
Second is about 8am Wednesday morning, stuck 50 ft up my 4% grade, 180 ft long driveway. That's where it stopped moving at 1 am, so I shut it off and went in the house to crash.