Ok I'm going to be redoing my air set-up soon. Want to get the 5 gal tank out of the inside of my blazer. Put everything under body. Build custom 4" round tanks. I know that you measure air gals, different than liquid gals.
What is the formula? How long would I need to make a 4" pipe to get 3 gals?
I'm wanting 3 gals per bag, 4 tanks total, each tank as close to the bag as possible. I'm going to mount the front valves on top of the frame rail inside the engine compartment so they don't freeze up. The rear valves I'm going to put inside in the bed area with the dump routed out side. Or maybe close to the exhaust(not to close!)

I'm going to add another compressor. Any recommendations? Need 100% duty, sealed, as I'm going to mount inbetween frame rails. Thoughts