You won't believe this cause I still don't. I went to a tiny junk-yard yesterday with my son looking for parts for his 94 Dakota. As soon as I walked in I could see this tailgate and was drawn to it. It was attached to a shortbed on a 70 pick-up. The sides are beat to death but the gate and bed floor are virtually rust free. Since I have been trying to decide on patching Blazer floor or going with wood, all problems were solved instantly. Figured the guy would want a couple hundred for it, I immediately started thinking of story to tell wife

When I found yard guy, he gave me a little sneer and said "20 bucks if you cut it off". Needless to say, a race home, grab the torches and trailer. Today I'll start taking apart. The tail light housings don't even have rust. The reason this is so unbelievable is first rust free in Michigan and second 20 bucks!! Finally got the deal of the week!!!!!