No doubt hey Reumster ("jumping trucks")
I love how these trucks are showed sliding through MUD!! Christ, I can slide in mud with my stinkin piece of crap car!! Big whoop! I want to see real stuff, not peeling out in the muck! You can do that with a ride on lawn mower!
Also, if I won the lottery, I'd buy myself a canon! Then I can blow the sh!t out of my vehicles if they give me hassles! If you read my other post about oil pressure/change, I forgot to mention how much of a b!tch it was to get the oil filter off!! The SOB that owned the truck before me must have used an impact wrench to put the oil filter on!!!! I broke lots of tools, stabbed holes in the oil filter with a screwdriver, just about went on a search for dynamite, but I got the bugger off!! I put the new one back on like it should have been in the beginning!
1970 GMC 1500, 350ci, 3 in a tree
Vancouver, B.C.