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Old 11-25-2004, 03:11 PM   #26
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Question Grinding Shafts??

is there any way you could show pictures of how much grinding is necessary on both ends to make this setup work with no interference?? Maybe while its still apart you could show what you have done? If you could give a measurement as to how much should be removed from each shaft, that would help also.

Now that I think of it, has anyone thought to share with the manufacturer of this plate that the shafts have to be ground down for it to work? Is it possible that he could make it slightly thicker overall to address this problem?? Just trying to think of a possible solution.


Last edited by 72longbed; 11-25-2004 at 03:15 PM.
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Old 11-26-2004, 10:23 PM   #27
What was I thinking??
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I Wondered the samething when I did mine...I think it has to do with the Coupler. But thats just a guess...

Now that I think of it, has anyone thought to share with the manufacturer of this plate that the shafts have to be ground down for it to work? Is it possible that he could make it slightly thicker overall to address this problem?? Just trying to think of a possible solution.

72 K5 that needs lots of parts..
71 GMC 3/4 4x4 That doesn't need much which is a good thing I don't think I could aford another money pit...
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Old 11-26-2004, 11:25 PM   #28
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the more i think about it i think you only would have to grind off on the tranny side because there is that snap ring inside the coupler to set the depth on the t case i welded my t case adaptor today to try and at least get everything lined up saturday i have a new adaptor coming monday for the t case i hope i will let you know what happens
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Old 11-27-2004, 10:52 AM   #29
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I should be getting mine soon. As soon as I do I will try to take before and after pictures of the output shaft of the trans, along with the exact amount that is need to take off in ordr to have proper clearance. I will probably (as mentioned earlier) just take it all off of the trans output shaft, So I will not heave to modify the input shaft of the t-case. I have both the trans and t-case out and cleaned up, so it should be pretty clear as to how it will work.

I did talk to the sales people about this, and as I mentioned earlier, and they were unaware that the adaptor could be used for this. They have it as a conversion kit for going from a 700R4 to a TH350, and this adaptor would be needed to make up for the loss of trans length, so you do not have to move your crossmember forward. I assume you would also need a longer output shaft for the TH350 as well.

Anyway, I will keep you posted as I go. Hugger67, let us know of your progress as well....
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Old 11-27-2004, 02:15 PM   #30
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i got everything bolted togther this morning i cut the output shaft splines right where the taper ends and the splines start i did take a little off the input shaft but i don't think that is necessary i did that before i cracked my adaptor but everything bolted together real nice now all i have to do is wait for it to stop raining and put it in the truck i'd say you probably cut a 1/4" off the output shaft be i would recommend cutting and trying to bolt it togher before everything is in the truck it makes life much easier that 205 gets heavy after a while i will let you know how it works when its in the tuck hopefully tomarrow
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Old 11-28-2004, 10:20 AM   #31
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Great thread guys. Im not at that stage yet but im gonna be doing an od swap & all your ground work will be appreciated at that time. Thanks for taking 1 giant leap for man kind lol, or is it for truck kind.... Todd.
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Old 11-28-2004, 10:26 AM   #32
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oh I meant to comment on the spacer. I'm sure when they were preparing to make the spacer they looked at making it thicker. There may be a reason they want you to cut it instead of just using a thicker spacer? I've been instrumental in designing things in the past & things like that were always addressed.. I'm not saying its not an overlook, but i'll bet they looked at it at every angle.. Either way, than God for the aftermarket, & this site... Todd
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Old 11-29-2004, 09:55 PM   #33
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I got mine today, and it looks like it will work great! It comes with studs and nuts, along with an adaptor for the th350 kickdown and a PRNDL sticker. Like I said earlier, it was made for a swap FROM a 700 TO a 350, that is why it is a little too small. It has instructions on cutting the output shaft of a tH350 with a 6" extension hsg to fit, so it appears that you are converting a 4x2 th350 to a 4x4? Anyway, I will bolt everything up this week or weekend and post the pics. I have the trans and t-case out of the truck, so it should be fairly easy to get some good pics.
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Old 12-11-2004, 03:16 AM   #34
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Question How Did it Go??

any luck with assembly? Any good pics of the finished product??


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Old 12-11-2004, 09:19 AM   #35
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What a thread guys ! I love this stuff ! You all have made me want to finally get out there and take a good look at changing out my old granny box muncie for a th350 ! Its good to know that if I get stuck there is someone there to pull me out !
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Old 12-29-2004, 05:27 PM   #36
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i am about to do this conversion myself, but i think it will be a little different. i'm helping a friend who last time he went out to the mud hole in a 91 full size blazer shelled his xfer case & rear axle. we came across an entire 77 chevy 3/4 4x4 on the cheap so we will be turning his blazer into a 3/4 ton. now i know what i need to bolt his 700r4 up to the xfer case that came out of the 77. thanx
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Old 12-30-2004, 01:44 AM   #37
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what ever happened? Did you get the setup together? Would like to hear back from you on your success. Pics would be great too.

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Old 01-06-2005, 11:06 PM   #38
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Sell me your truck and you won't have to worry about it. LOL
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Old 07-02-2007, 01:25 PM   #39
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Re: 700R4 with NP205?

Hey there, just thought I may be able to make this a little easier on you. I have done this swap on my 1980 SWB k10 and loved it....until I realized the guy at High Impact Transmissions neglected to tell me a dual cardan driveshaft would not fit due to clearance issues with the trans pan. I live in MN and require this for extra traction on the highway in nasty weather. However it is possible to use a front driveshaft with only one u-joint on each end if you are only using it at lower speeds crawling around. I paid near $3000
for this entire set-up and was pretty pissed he would not work with me in finding something that suited my needs. Anyways, I have a High Impact "BAD BOY" 700r4 which I loved and is rated for 500 horse power. It has approximately 5000 miles on it and was in my truck for one year. I have the adapter from AA, a Lokar Nostalgia floor shifter (12 inch? not the long one) Dipstck tube, kick down brackets for edelbrock 600, kick down cable, it has a lock-up converter, trans cooler, tranny temp. guage, everything! the 700r4 is already fitted with a different output shaft that allows it to spline to the earlier 205, its been a while but I think its the 10-spline input, I also have the t-case with a rebuild kit installed in it and I also made it a fixed rear yoke while I was at it. I have had this in my truck and drove it to and from school in Montana and it was perfect until later when I found out the fr shaft I needed wouldn't fit. If you need any of these parts I am willing to help you out but I am not going to give them away dirt cheap as they are all like new.

Originally Posted by 72longbed View Post
Who can help with the necessary info to be able to adapt a 700R4 to a 205 transfer case in a 72 K20?? Need to know if the output shaft on the 700R4 needs to change, if any adapters are needed, and so forth??

Thanks to all,

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Old 07-02-2007, 01:25 PM   #40
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Re: 700R4 with NP205?

Hey there, just thought I may be able to make this a little easier on you. I have done this swap on my 1980 SWB k10 and loved it....until I realized the guy at High Impact Transmissions neglected to tell me a dual cardan driveshaft would not fit due to clearance issues with the trans pan. I live in MN and require this for extra traction on the highway in nasty weather. However it is possible to use a front driveshaft with only one u-joint on each end if you are only using it at lower speeds crawling around. I paid near $3000
for this entire set-up and was pretty pissed he would not work with me in finding something that suited my needs. Anyways, I have a High Impact "BAD BOY" 700r4 which I loved and is rated for 500 horse power. It has approximately 5000 miles on it and was in my truck for one year. I have the adapter from AA, a Lokar Nostalgia floor shifter (12 inch? not the long one) Dipstck tube, kick down brackets for edelbrock 600, kick down cable, it has a lock-up converter, trans cooler, tranny temp. guage, everything! the 700r4 is already fitted with a different output shaft that allows it to spline to the earlier 205, its been a while but I think its the 10-spline input, I also have the t-case with a rebuild kit installed in it and I also made it a fixed rear yoke while I was at it. I have had this in my truck and drove it to and from school in Montana and it was perfect until later when I found out the fr shaft I needed wouldn't fit. If you need any of these parts I am willing to help you out but I am not going to give them away dirt cheap as they are all like new.

Originally Posted by 72longbed View Post
Who can help with the necessary info to be able to adapt a 700R4 to a 205 transfer case in a 72 K20?? Need to know if the output shaft on the 700R4 needs to change, if any adapters are needed, and so forth??

Thanks to all,

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Old 07-02-2007, 07:27 PM   #41
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Re: 700R4 with NP205?

Here what we have been doing in the shop for years..

you have 2 options.
1. the spacer for the output shaft is about 1 1/2" use this with the t350/205 adaptor(find in junk yard or online used from 50.00 to 250.00)
you will most likely need to take about 1/8" of the output shaft
plus you would need to use 3/8 to 10mil althread. remeber the 700r4 is metric

2. just change out the output shaft and bolt on the t350/205 adapter.

In some case you may need to move a crossmember or lengthen or shorten driveshafts.. for some dam reason all chevy trucks are not alike

Local tranny shops should be able to get you an output shaft or the spacer.

Hope you get yours going..
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Old 07-03-2007, 03:57 AM   #42
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Re: 700R4 with NP205?

you guys resorected an old thred here.
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Old 07-03-2007, 08:27 AM   #43
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Re: 700R4 with NP205?

Ya know... I didn't even look at the date of the first post......

Plus I'm a mod.. You would think I would have seen that...
I'll have to fire myself for the day and start fresh tomorrow.

Oh well.. If anything it might help someone out with this info....
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Old 07-03-2007, 09:50 AM   #44
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Re: 700R4 with NP205?

glad you brought this one back. i would love to do the swap, but i still don't have a clear picture. maybe one of you can confirm? scenario as follows:

1. if i use a new output shaft on the 700, not a spacer, will i need to move my t-case back?
2. it appears that the 700 is about 2" longer than the 350, and the adaptor makes it 2" shorter. this would mean it's the same length as a 350 now, right? so the t-case shouldn't need to move, right?
3. front driveshaft clearance. if the vehicle now has a 4" lift, are there still going to be clearance issues?
4. last option, rather than moving the t-case back, could the engine be moved forward from it's 4wd position to the 2wd position, which is about 2" forward? i understand that this was done so the pumpkin could clear the pan, but is that still an issue if there is a 4" lift?

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Old 07-03-2007, 11:49 AM   #45
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Re: 700R4 with NP205?

the AD shaft only replaces the output shaft the case stays the same size so the trans stays 2 in longer. you can move it forward with no problems. When I did mine I split the diffrence moved the TC back and the engine forward.
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Old 07-03-2007, 02:43 PM   #46
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Re: 700R4 with NP205?

I moved the engine forwrd on my K5 when I did the swap so the T-case could stay put. With no lift I had lots of clearance for the front diff. I used the AA output shaft and stock adapter from the TH350. The 700R is 1-3/4" longer than the Th350. I moved the engine crossmember ahead accordingly.
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Old 11-28-2007, 08:37 PM   #47
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Re: 700R4 with NP205?

I know this is really old but I don't see any reason to start a new one. Does anyone have a picture of the spacer? I think I found one.
Also, what exactly is the issue with the stock output shaft in a 700r4 when mated to a 205? The Length? The 205 has an adapter already for the th350 right? Could two of these adapters be used or am I just showing my ignorance once again?

Last edited by the_goat; 11-28-2007 at 08:48 PM.
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Old 11-30-2007, 11:30 PM   #48
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Re: 700R4 with NP205?

Pics of adapter. Pics of output shaft of stock 700r4. Pics of shaft with adapter on. The end of the shaft needs to be shortened as it is still too long when it enters the T.C. adapter.

Don't ask for advice..... I haven't done it yet. But, I've got the parts
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1972 K20 Suburban 5.7/700r4/NP205 Dana 44/H052 Sold
1972 C10 5.3L/4L60E 12bolt 5Lug - Sold
1971 K5 Blazer 6.0L LQ9 4L60E NP205 Dana 44/H052!!!
1970 K3500 1ton CrewCab 8.1L/Allison1000/NP205 Dana 60/14B!!!! - Sold
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Old 12-02-2007, 12:07 PM   #49
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Re: 700R4 with NP205?

Thanks, that's very helpful. Where did you get it?
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Old 12-02-2007, 07:58 PM   #50
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Re: 700R4 with NP205?

A & Reds Transmission.....

Their address, phone, and part number is listed on page 1 of this thread.
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1972 C10 5.3L/4L60E 12bolt 5Lug - Sold
1971 K5 Blazer 6.0L LQ9 4L60E NP205 Dana 44/H052!!!
1970 K3500 1ton CrewCab 8.1L/Allison1000/NP205 Dana 60/14B!!!! - Sold
1988 V30 CCLB 7.4L/TH400/NP205/Dana 60/Dana 70!!! (Sold)
2003 K2500HD 8.1/Allison1000/NP263
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