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Old 08-08-2008, 09:54 PM   #51
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Re: Sears...... (Rant)S

Originally Posted by piecesparts View Post
Items you purchase, that are used to make your living, are a dedution off of your taxes. where most go wrong, are the ones that claim everything up to and including the family dog. Be certain that you use the right forms and maybe even talk to a tax person, when the time comes.

You and many like you are the reason that Mac, Snap-On, and Matco make so much money. They come to your shop's door and you need the tools to make aliving, so they sell them to you on TIME and show each week looking for that tool payment. Their quality is good, but if you do not improve in your income, they can eat you alive. So if you are just getting into the wrenching world, then you need to be aggressive in your job.

I no longer wrench for a living, and it has been many years since i did, I do NOT miss the daily work. I now am involved in a managerial position in a Nuclear Power plant. I get paid really good money to talk funny.
I've been a oil shop technician for close to 11 years, since i was 15. It's all i've ever done. Every shop i've worked at provided the tools needed, so, i never had to buy anything for my garage other than the absolute basic hand tools. I inherited a small part of my fathers tools when he passed away, but it was mostly body tools and a couple air ratchets. The guys at work keep telling me to stay away from the tool truck vultures unless i need a special tool not sold in stores. I make about 450 a week to start off, i have no idea what sort of raises are in store. It's a very small self owned shop that's been in town for over 30 years with the father as the owner and the son as the manager and lead technician. There's one other technician other than myself. I'm mechanically capable, but most of the jobs done are a first time for me, so i'm constantly learning new things all day every day. These guys all have over 120 years of experience between the 3 of them, so obviously, i'm a tad pole in a bike pond, with hardly any tools, or money.
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Old 08-08-2008, 10:24 PM   #52
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Re: Sears...... (Rant)S

Good to hear that you landed this job. AGREE, stay away from the truck unless there is a real need. I found most of my tools in the local supply houses and built my box from scratch. One day after I gave up the wrenching, I sat down and did an inventory of what was in there---I had a small fortune that rounded up to $25,000 in the prices of that day. I still have them and am buying tools as I need them---no tool is TOO expensive, if you need it. Never get rid of it after you are done---you will wish you hadn't.

As for the job and your raises---I learned that as you get a new job---it is good to be honest with the boss and he should be honest with you---You can ask what your future looks like, so that you can make decisions from that point. The $450 a week????Is that take home or the check before taxes? If before taxes, that totals up to around $24,000 a year and that is without vacation being considered in the process. I had an individual tell me once that you should make the equivalent of your age---Age 26 equals $26,000----However that was 20 years ago and the cost of everything has grown exponentially. At your age, you will need more than that, in this day.

I interviewed for a heavy equipment mechanical shop job, in a city nearby, many years ago and was offered a job on the spot. I asked what the advancement opportunities were in the shop and the foreman told me that he was making about a $1.00/hr more than what I would start at---I told him that his job was a good opportunity--BUT it wasn't for me. A person needs to be able to go further than a $1.00 more in his life.

That is why I got out of the business and went with something that offered major income opportunities, in line with my military time. There are job opportunities out there and with the need for power in this country, there will be a lot of construction of power plants coming very soon. These things need a lot of hungry workers and mechanical types---keep your eyes open and be willing to travel a little. Good Luck.

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Old 08-08-2008, 11:08 PM   #53
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Re: Sears...... (Rant)S

"If this Craftsman hand tool ever fails to give complete satisfaction................."

Go see the Manager. He'll honor the guarantee.
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Old 08-09-2008, 10:59 AM   #54
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Re: Sears...... (Rant)S

450 is a estimate. i will receive my first full 50 hour check on Wednesday. Before taxes it comes out to just over 500 a week. This will be the most money i've ever made, which is only because of the steady overtime. We're hitting a slow period with kids going back to school and everything, but, it's still steady enough. There's alot of cars on the lot that are owned by my boss that need repairs so he can sell them off.
These guys like to help out good people and they know just about everyone around. They sent the tech that i replaced to rehab a few months back, and the other tech they sent to a literacy program and taught him how to read and write, the guy even got his ASE certifications after learning to read. I've been searching for a shop that cared like this ever since i got into wrenching. I didn't know one actually existed. My boss offered me to use one of their old boxes, but it's his son's old one, so he's waiting until he's back from vacation on monday to ask about it. So, i might not need a roller for a little while.
I'm blessed to be in the presence of these guys. Every day i go home with twice the knowledge of the day before. I'm glad i'm still this eager to learn.
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Old 08-09-2008, 04:32 PM   #55
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Re: Sears...... (Rant)S

I took the truck over to the local Re-Tool used tool shop today. I was surprised to see that they had no air tools, the guy said they don't buy them anymore. I picked up
a 11 piece set of ACE metric combo wrenches for 10 bucks.
a 7 set of metric nut drivers with orange handles for 3 bucks.
a 8 set of orange and green handle screwdrivers for 4 bucks.
a 13 set 3/8" drive SAE socket set for 7 bucks.
a 16" tie rod separator for 5 bucks.
a 4 piece circuit and voltage testing kit for 1.50.

I spent like 35 bucks. It was the last of my money until wednesday, but i figured next saturday i can go back and buy the rest of what i need with a couple hundred bucks. There's a nice single bay black craftsman roller there for like 200 bucks. I was gonna ask if they could give me a good price on it since i'm buying so much. I guess i'm gonna use the Matco truck for getting a good impact gun, an air ratchet or two, and couple brake tools. The rep is gonna be pissed off, but, i have too many projects to fund a tool debt.
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Old 08-10-2008, 06:04 PM   #56
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Re: Sears...... (Rant)S

After reading all this I'm supprised how Sears has seemed to change. But the exchanging the 12 for 6 point should be no problem. Granted it was probably 12 or more years ago, but I did just that. Had gotten a socket set for a gift, was all 12 point. Then Sears started with their version of Snap-On's "Flank drive" or whatever they called it, I took in all my 12 point 3/8 sockets and exchanged them for just the design change. Now I did do them as individual sockets, not as a set of "A" to "G" sizes. Told the associate I wanted to exchange only because of the design change. Walked out with a whole bunch o' new 6 point sockets.
I keep two MAGNUMS in my desk. One's a gun, and I keep it loaded. The other's a bottle and it keeps ME loaded. I'm Tracer Bullet. (Calvin and Hobbes)

This life was a test. It was only a test. If this had been an actual life, you would have received instructions on where to go and what to do.

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Old 08-10-2008, 07:47 PM   #57
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Re: Sears...... (Rant)S

Originally Posted by 70C10Toejam View Post
After reading all this I'm supprised how Sears has seemed to change. But the exchanging the 12 for 6 point should be no problem. Granted it was probably 12 or more years ago, but I did just that. Had gotten a socket set for a gift, was all 12 point. Then Sears started with their version of Snap-On's "Flank drive" or whatever they called it, I took in all my 12 point 3/8 sockets and exchanged them for just the design change. Now I did do them as individual sockets, not as a set of "A" to "G" sizes. Told the associate I wanted to exchange only because of the design change. Walked out with a whole bunch o' new 6 point sockets.

K-MART nuff said
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Old 08-11-2008, 07:16 PM   #58
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Re: Sears...... (Rant)S

Well, the guys told me today that what i have should pretty much be enough for what i'm doing. Being the low man on the totem pole, all the really big jobs are being done by the other tech and the manager. They toss me the easy stuff like brake jobs and junk like that. lol. no complaints.
They did have me tearing down a timing cover off a 2 liter contour today. The customer drove it until it shredded the timing belt and melted the plastic teeth on the cam gear to the cover. That was fun. I'll be pulling out the vvt gears and burning plastic off of everything tomorrow. Let's see if it'll run after the gears moving around without a belt for god knows how many rotations. Anyways.... I just need to get a larger array of sockets in all sizes, some torque sticks for the impact gun, and deep impact sockets and i should be set.... To think that i was about to spend 6 grand off a truck. I will probably end up buying replacement tools from the truck one by one as these ones wear out and snap in half..... The Matco guy isn't going to be happy with me.
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Old 08-11-2008, 07:47 PM   #59
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Re: Sears...... (Rant)S

Originally Posted by piecesparts View Post
K-MART nuff said
Lets try this again. K-Mart does NOT own Sears:

Originally Posted by piecesparts
REMEMBER SEARS is owned by K-MART and that was the first real sign of how screwed up this country is becoming.
Originally Posted by glock35ipsc View Post
Sorry, wrong. Eddie Lampert (ESL Investments) took control of K-Mart when it went bankrupt, then he bought Sears. He merged to two companies into the Sears Holdings Corporation. He also owns a HUGE stake in AutoZone and AutoNation through his holding company.
He later sold off 5% of the K-Mart stores and made enough to cover his original purchase price of K-Mart. Wish I could find those deals!

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Old 08-11-2008, 07:58 PM   #60
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Re: Sears...... (Rant)S

Originally Posted by exmonkeypunk
To think that i was about to spend 6 grand off a truck. I will probably end up buying replacement tools from the truck one by one as these ones wear out and snap in half.....
Smart move on your part, great job!

The Matco guy isn't going to be happy with me.
Who cares, there's always someone else ready to go into debt at the drop of a hat, and they will be sure to find them!

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Old 08-11-2008, 08:15 PM   #61
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Re: Sears...... (Rant)S

Yeah, that's what i was thinking. When you pay over a grand and you can carry the tools off the truck in one hand, you know something isn't right... lol.
That's what my manager said today.
I have enough things around the house that need funding, the truck, the Corvair, the Triumph Bonneville, The Triumph chop build, the riding mower that only idles high, the malibu, the list goes on. I just can't justify spending that kind of cash at this point in time... Now, if someone offered me a 6 grand credit line for parts for the truck, i'd jump at that in a second, but, i've gone my whole life without having a credit card, and i plan on keeping it that way, at least for a while.
I did apply for a sears card though, i doubt i'll be approved, but, i figured it'd be easier to afford their tools which are a fraction of the price versus paying out my ears just for a set of sockets.
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Old 08-11-2008, 09:36 PM   #62
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Re: Sears...... (Rant)S

I love the GeaR Wrenches. They also have a ratcheting screwdriver there for around 20$ that is a dead ringer in looks and feel of the $60 Snap On model

I don't know how long the Craftsman stuff will last working on cars, but i know aviation mechanics who keep 'em foreever.
Airplanes usually deal with much lower torque values than cars though. Many aviation fasteners are true 12 pt fasteners as well (so there is a use for those things after all -- lol)

I used Snap On stuff when i worked in the hangar, but now that i am on to other things, i cant justify the cost. I have been building my metric set as i go along with Craftsman stuff -- have noticed the nickel flaking off my most used sockets though.

I was there today and got a mid box and a 9 dr top box to add to one of my roll-a-ways --- good sales right now on some stuff

Good luck with your new job
Are you retired too?

Nonsense! I'm in my prime
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Old 08-12-2008, 01:33 PM   #63
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Re: Sears...... (Rant)S

so are the sockets cracked? Broken? I wouldnt of accepted the return either unless it was broke. Does the warranty cover tools that look old??? Whats going to happen is people will abuse the return policy, and there eventually WONT be one...

find an 8 mm socket and return it as a set... problem solved.
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Old 08-12-2008, 07:16 PM   #64
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Re: Sears...... (Rant)S

Originally Posted by lyrikz View Post
so are the sockets cracked? Broken? I wouldnt of accepted the return either unless it was broke. Does the warranty cover tools that look old??? Whats going to happen is people will abuse the return policy, and there eventually WONT be one...

find an 8 mm socket and return it as a set... problem solved.
I don't have a craftsman 8mm socket. i have other brands..... The policy states that if for any reason you are unsatisfied, return anytime for an exchange.
The sockets aren't cracked or broken, just worn to the extent that they strip out bolt heads with any sort of real torque applied by my kung fu grip.
I can break them all in half if that's what they want for a return.
I am too tired to be pissed about this anymore.
I'm going to another sears location tomorrow after work if i can stand up long enough. I'm picking up some deep sockets and other junk.
Re tool has a crap load of used snap on stuff i'm gonna get on saturday being that they close when i get off work during the week.
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Old 08-12-2008, 07:18 PM   #65
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Re: Sears...... (Rant)S

Originally Posted by exmonkeypunk View Post
I don't have a craftsman 8mm socket. i have other brands..... The policy states that if for any reason you are unsatisfied, return anytime for an exchange.
The sockets aren't cracked or broken, just worn to the extent that they strip out bolt heads with any sort of real torque applied by my kung fu grip.
I can break them all in half if that's what they want for a return.
I am too tired to be pissed about this anymore.
I'm going to another sears location tomorrow after work if i can stand up long enough. I'm picking up some deep sockets and other junk.
Re tool has a crap load of used snap on stuff i'm gonna get on saturday being that they close when i get off work during the week.
I have an 8 i can ship ya if you ship the new one back to me.... really...

I didnt realize that was their warranty.. Id be pissed to...
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Old 08-12-2008, 07:33 PM   #66
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Re: Sears...... (Rant)S

ReTool is the biggest rip off going ...
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Old 08-12-2008, 07:34 PM   #67
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Re: Sears...... (Rant)S

Originally Posted by Shane View Post
ReTool is the biggest rip off going ...
What is retool?
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Old 08-16-2008, 11:10 AM   #68
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Re: Sears...... (Rant)S

ReTool buys and sells new and used tools.... I don't see how they're a rip off though. you can buy blue point, Mac, snapon, and other name brand tools for a fraction of what they cost off the truck.
They also carry some of the same stuff that harbor freight sells new.
Maybe they're different from place to place, but around here, it's the best tool deals you can find. I'm heading back over there in a little while to pick up a full set of deep impact sockets for 25 bucks.... Over 60 bucks cheaper than craftsman impact sockets.
Campbell hausefield or whatever brand is what they are... I've had a shallow impact set from their for a few years now and they are great quality.
I suppose if someone is used to high priced high quality tools, then the stuff sold there might be like tinker toys, but, for someone like me who has low cash but has to have the tools, they work just fine. When they earn me a raise, then i'll retire them and donate them to some younger kids down the street who like to work with tools but can't afford to buy them.
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Old 08-16-2008, 05:19 PM   #69
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Re: Sears...... (Rant)S

The rip off comes when you try to sell tools to them.

Think pawn shop for tools. They give you didley-squat for your tools then sell them for just a smidge under retail.
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Old 08-16-2008, 10:33 PM   #70
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Re: Sears...... (Rant)S

The time to buy used tools is when the economy is down. I usually try to hit the pawn shops. Best time of the year is after Christmas.

For SK, find who the local distributor is (not the dealer). Some are the auto part jobbers. If you're working for a shop they sell to, you can usually buy the tools at what your company would pay. SK still makes good tools, but they don't replace them for wear. The last I knew, none of the big tool makers would. If they are, thank your sales rep, because the warranties have clauses that include normal wear.

When you return tools to Sears, and they give you any problems, this is found on the next to last page of the 2008 Craftsman catalog found through
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Old 08-18-2008, 06:53 PM   #71
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Re: Sears...... (Rant)S

What's everyone's feelings about Snap-On impact guns?
The Snap-On guy stopped in today with a new MG3151 1/2" impact gun.
Magnesium housing and whatever. Nice looking gun, but with only forward and reverse options. I think it's like 300 bones. I told him i was looking for an adjustable power light weight composite gun because i use it for multiple torque applications and they tend to get heavy when you're holding one for 10 hours a day. When he left everyone started in on me about how Snap-On guns blow and Mac or Ingersoll is the only gun worth buying. I'm more interested in a Matco gun, but i haven't really checked out Mac other than using the shops guns which are a few years old, but very light weight and lots of torque.
The Craftsman guns that i looked at when i was at Sears just felt real cheap. Almost brittle and generic plastic housings and trigger.

I use a Snap-On 3/8" air ratchet at work that has really bad head spread on most bolts. I'm looking to purchase one around the same time, so any advice on those as well.
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Old 08-18-2008, 07:37 PM   #72
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Re: Sears...... (Rant)S

I prefer IR/MAC myself for all of my air tools. My 1/2" impact is an IR231. The only Snap-On air tools I have is a Blue Point 3/8" air ratchet and a Blue Point nibbler. They are good tools, but I just prefer the Mac/IR tools.

I have a few Chinese Harbor Freight tools too. The air body saw I have had for 15 years and used it in a production setting for 10 years. Still works great!
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Old 08-22-2008, 09:32 PM   #73
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Re: Sears...... (Rant)S

I have been hearing the same feedback from alot of people. Mac or Ingersoll seems the only way to go. Matco air apparently is IR, so i'd be safe with those as well. The older heavy duty 1/2" Mac impact i'm borrowing is really hurting my shoulder and elbow muscles. I can't wait for a composite tool.
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Old 08-23-2008, 12:54 AM   #74
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Re: Sears...... (Rant)S

Originally Posted by glock35ipsc View Post
Lets try this again. K-Mart does NOT own Sears:

He later sold off 5% of the K-Mart stores and made enough to cover his original purchase price of K-Mart. Wish I could find those deals!
Your right K-Mart does'nt own Sears.Sears owns K-mart.I work for a moving company and i moved alot of people from Detroit where K-Mart HQ was located to Chicago where Sears HQ is.Anyway I buy most of my tools from the Matco truck because they come to my work every 2 weeks and they're reasonably priced.
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Old 08-23-2008, 08:16 AM   #75
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Re: Sears...... (Rant)S

OK----if that is true, then Sears is IN TROUBLE. They have cheapened up their product lines in a large fashion.

However the information below kind of clears it up for me. See the web attached:

Last edited by piecesparts; 08-23-2008 at 08:17 AM.
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