Originally Posted by longorange68
Head to a pull-it-yourself junkyard and look for a Ford Taurus with the V6, and pull out the fan. Very low buck, but very reliable and it sucks more air than most aftermarket kits I have seen. I paid for my intake and carb by buying them for $15 bucks from the U-Pullit in Vancouver, WA and turning around and posting them on ebay for $60. I have tested them with a battery and they will take flight from a work bench when you give them 12 volts DC. I also put one in my buddies Nova with a built 400SBC, and once the fan is on you can drop a red shop towel in front of the grille about 4 feet away, and it will end up getting sucked flat onto the radiator.
What year Taurus? cant be the price of a junkyard part!