Originally Posted by Deryl
Fifty-two here. When you put it in perspective, the truck (63) does not seem that old. Those of us who remember un-jamming gears etc. in "good clothes" have a special appreciation for really DRIVING the trucks that are now our hobby. I am not knocking anyone because my 63 is my daily driver (by choice) now.
I remember those days, deftly sliding under to stick a paper clip in the linkage where the cotter pin fell out, or everybody piling out to get a push start - jumping in at the last moment, or double clutching to shift down into low, etc.
I was pretty young when these trucks were new. Even so, two clear memories stand out, how ugly the GMC hood was, and what happened to the new stepside fenders, those were the same fenders off the "old" trucks. Seemed ridiculous that brand new trucks didn't get matching fenders that fit the design of the new truck.