Originally Posted by nuke1
But it is good news for me, and the family and my future.
Well, in my trade, there is only three places to go, or should i say move up. Buy a shop, become a shop forreman or work for the insurance company as an appraiser, and around her we only have one insurance company SGI, government run.
As of wensday i am now a Gov't employee doin appraisals. The wage is good, great benefits, pension, every second friday off, MY "DOR" or day of rest as they call it. The transition has been exceptionally hard for me but i am getting there, at least i know all of the other appraisers there, makes it easier that way.
So i am no longer in the body work/ restoration trade, but do not fear, I am still gonna do it at home at nite, i have more ambition now than ever towards working at home, makes me feel good to have my hobby back as a hobby and i can enjoy it. Trust me, working on cars for a living is great, but you also get nowhere, no pension......... This was the best decision i could ever make. Also the hardest, but i am sure it will be worth it.
One morre thing to say, since my wife has gotten back to her job from mat leave, they have treated her like crap, she lost her desk...... everything, and she was one of their top accountants. So as of monday she also has a new job, better pay, pension, the works also and it is only 2 buildings from me. Gotta love that, she is so excited and nervous.
All i can say is that 2010 wil be a great year over 2009, at least for us. Just had to let you all know.
Later James