Originally Posted by propanemudtruck
Go get em nuke! That truck is well built through and through!
I am trying!
Originally Posted by 68 Quad C10
I agree!!
Originally Posted by Kerry P
I can't believe it. Just went through this entire thread. I did not expect it to go the way of "DIRTY MARY CRAZY LARRY". Just when it looks like you've won, a train wreck. I hope you can work out the inspection issues. Havoc is too special to get sidelines by a bunch of Barney Fifes.
Kerry P
Originally Posted by chevyndn
i think they are just mad that you actually thought ahead on your build and was trying to make it safer. but i hate the whole double standards crud. just keep your head up, and keep us updated...
My thoughts also
Originally Posted by RCbowtie69
Thanks for the updates nuke1,keep on truckin'' 
Soon I hope!
Originally Posted by Jacfourteen
Great build, hope you get the problems figured out!
Makes Two of us!
Originally Posted by Cid636
Thought I'd let you know if you haven't already talked to One Piece Products about the side windows SGI wants you to replace that they have a letter from the manufacturer stating that it is certified safety glass. Maybe SGI would accept that?
I was thinking about buying them as well for my truck so I contacted One Piece Products about this, they said they would e-mail me this letter but didn't. I know you already found some other glass but if SGI accepts this letter maybe it would be one less thing to change.
LOL< that letter from them is the one I made them get, as far as SGI is concerned it means nothing!!!!! a joke!
Originally Posted by BadaSs_Cal
man I was getting excited skimming through the thread... Hope all ends well.. Good luck buddy!!!
Originally Posted by chapster
I thought I would pass on the info that one piece window provided me once I requested it. I hope this helps as you might have to get them to send you info on your specific glass kit.
It was stated to meet or exceed the following for the tint glass system:
1) ASTM C 1036-85 standard specification for flat glass
2) ASTM C 1048 -85 standard specification for heated treated flat glass
3) ANSI Z97 1-84 for safety glazing materials
4) 16 GFR 1201 C II CPSC safety standard for architectural glazing materials
I know!!! I showed them that and no rteply, but change them!!!
Originally Posted by Nova_Cobra64
WOW!!!!!!!!!!! I agree, something does have to happen, we as a community of car nuts can help, any input helps. meetings held and so on and so forth. It does have to be done in a reasonable fashion, toes can not be stepped on, it all has to be done in a political manner, but I am definelty on board for some change!