Originally Posted by mcbassin
I love the battery box...very cool idea on the under side of the hood too. I don't know if you won any awards at the GG show but you got my vote for the coolest ride for sure. I can honestly see you making some magazine spreads with this truck.
Didn't win any awards but I did get a photo shoot for Classic Trucks!
Originally Posted by KensChevy
Cool find. I will be watching this one progress....I hear a lot of people talking about the upcoming "Good Guys" event. Is there a spot you all gather? I will be there and would love the chance to meet some of the dudes I only have had the chance to read about up to this point.
We really don't have a place we meet at, we just park where ever we can find a spot or two.......don't be shy, come on over and meet us
Originally Posted by lolife99
So much of the cool stuff is hidden under the bed floor on this truck.
All the cool powdercoated Porterbuilt suspension, Accuair air management, aluminum fuel cell, detailed and coated exhaust,... all hidden.
No one realizes the amount of work that goes in to building such an amazing truck.
We need pics from the 4-post lift!
It's at the house getting a couple of things worked out so it might be a while before you get those 4-post pictures
Originally Posted by Ackattack
Awesome truck. I thought about wheeling my truck over to the "trick truck" area to be judged, but after seeing yours and a few others I didn't think it would be worth the gas.
That's not true, you should have come over and parked...... I got a free dash plaque out of the deal.