Originally Posted by N2TRUX
Easier said than done. I never thought about taking pics before we entered the show, and once we were inside Hazel and Stella Mae had a crowd around them all weekend. They were bot a big hit, but Hazel was the Prom Queen for sure. She had the guys lining up to three deep for a chance to see her.
Congratulations on two well deserved awards. That makes up for the clear oversight in Kansas.
Originally Posted by lolife99
Yeah,... I don't know what the deal was at Kansas.
People packed around it all day.
I guess the judges couldn't get close enough to see it.
Definitely a hit with everyone.
I appreciate the kind words but the simple fact of the matter is that Hazel is a patina old farm truck and 99 percent of the people don't get it and that's exactly the way I intended it to be!