Originally Posted by yuccales
WOW! Your work is fantastic! I'm so impressed by people who can pull off a project like yours.
Thanks, God gave me the talents.
Originally Posted by mblackburnjr
Wow! I've spent a couple hours getting up to date on this thread. And all i can say is....I'm not worthy!....I'm not worthy! You have inspired me to get started again and i'm combing boards for parts. GREAT JOB!
Glad to help.
Originally Posted by Slick67
Ok Drew. You have the forum on it's ear. Handsdown the most views. One of the sickest truck builds on here in a long time. Shortest build time for such a massive project. My question to you is............how ya gonna top it???????
I'm not really sure you can top the most popular model, building something that didn't exist that most agree is a more useful truck, and doing it well.
Originally Posted by VA72C10
Actually...still number 2 in views...but NOT by much....will be any day now.....and he'll blow past it as it's still an active build....probably end up over 300K...
I'll probably drag the interior out 6 more months, so I'll guess over 400,000 views. Wow, I think I must have struck a gold mine of interest.
Originally Posted by 71Sleeper
And is well deserved to be on top....Keep it up Drew.
Thanks, now we just need to work on magazine coverage. How do I go about that?