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Old 04-11-2012, 12:19 PM   #1
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So I wanna weld.....

Like the title says.... I wanna weld...

I don't know the first thing about it, but I figure I'd pick everyones brain here and save myself some cash and not buy the wrong gear..

I'm thinking about bagging my truck and want to be able to weld on brackets..
also I'm going to start my vw bug build and I'm thinking about makling some seat brackets and a few other odds and ends...

Maybe some wrought iron work for a gate at my home...

The auto darking helmets seem cool....

any advise???

I drive a lowered Chevy, a lifted Ford and I have a 62 VW bug stripped down in the garage.
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Old 04-12-2012, 08:35 PM   #2
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Re: So I wanna weld.....

Auto darkening helmets are pretty cool, but they're really not worth crap unless you're laying big, long welds. When you're doing small welds or sheet metal the auto darkening helmets kill your eyes because they have a really small delay. They do come in handy though, not having to flip the lense up and down. I have an auto darkening helmet and I've just learned to close my eyes when I start my welds. Really just depends on your preference.

As for welders, the things you're talking about really need two differnet welders. For welding really thick guage stuff like bag brackets to frame you really need an arc welder to get good penetration, but for doing stuff like wrought iron gates or other little projects like that, or even bigger projects that are just not using such thick metal, you're better off with the easier to use wire feed welder. I have both, but I don't even know how to use my arc welder because the wire feed has never let me down.

I got my wire feed from Northern Tool and it works great for the most part. It's Hobart brand it's very reliable and lays great welds, but it does tend to jam a lot.

I am also just an amateur welder but it's a great skill to have and can be a lot of fun.

Hope I helped.
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Old 04-13-2012, 08:44 AM   #3
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Re: So I wanna weld.....

Auto darkening, nice but not necessary. Old school flip down still effective.
Good gloves, sleeves of some sort, safety glasses...

Actually easiest (and what I'd recommend), take a class at the local school. Even a night class can give you the basic knowledge, then you can decide what you need. Arc, MIG, TIG all have one thing in common, puddle control. Once you have that, you've got it nailed.
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Old 04-13-2012, 09:53 AM   #4
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Re: So I wanna weld.....

I'll just give you my experience.Start with either gas or arc.If you start with wire,you'll never want to do anything else unless it's TIG.I can stick about as well as I can MIG but it took years to get semi decent at it.With wire I started out with beads as good as my best stick.The stick is much better for heavier stuff but the wire has a better learning curve.If you learn to weld on your own,you will be an excellent grinder by the time you're a so-so weldor.A class will give you basics that will help with any welding you do.Most I have seen start you on gas welding just to help you learn a puddle and develope co-ordination.My personal machine is a Miller 211 auto set.If you decide to buy a welder,look around for a good price and usually your local welding supply (LWS)will match.Don't bother with a flux core MIG,you'll never get decent welds and it's much dirtier.Buy some junk in various thicknesses and practice,practice,practice.I personally think a welding cart is a worthless up-sell because though more expensive,building your own is kind of a rite of passage.Have fun and you will enjoy welding.
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Old 04-13-2012, 05:40 PM   #5
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Re: So I wanna weld.....

cool.. thanks for all the input/info guys...

what if I totally lose my mind and deside to chop the top on my bug?? which type of welder??

again thanks for the help... there was way too many options to look into them all, atleast now you guys have help narrow my search and reading..
I drive a lowered Chevy, a lifted Ford and I have a 62 VW bug stripped down in the garage.
Which "Piss on" sticker do I buy?
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Old 04-13-2012, 06:29 PM   #6
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Re: So I wanna weld.....

To do sheet metal you want a wire feed, and as a novice you're best off with a wire feed as well. As mentioned, the learning curve on a wire feed is exponentially shorter because they're just so easy to use. Unless you just want to become a master welder you will probably never need to learn how to weld with anything else.
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Old 04-13-2012, 08:09 PM   #7
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Re: So I wanna weld.....

First of all. Get an auto dark helmet. Dont walk into harbor freight and buy the cheapest piece of crap they have on the shelf. Spend some money and get a good helmet. Your eyes cant see a good helmet switch. Most good helmets switch within 1/25000th of a second. My snap on helmet is just as good as a miller elite but were talking about 400 dollar welding helmets. I use mine everyday and some days use it all day. Start out with a mig welder that has gas capability. If you can find a used miller jump on it. A decent mig is going to be in the 300 dollar range and it goes up from there. It mainly depends on exactly what your looking to weld. Material thickness is the deciding factor on what amperage welder you need and generally higher amperage and capability of welding thicker steel makes the price go up. A good relatively cheap mig that accepts gas is this I use one at work everyday and its held up so far for over 6 months with no issues. I weld a lot and have no regard for the machine itself. In all honesty a welder lasting a week in the shop is probably equivelant to a year in home use. That welder is basically a Lincoln copy. I'm not one to push foreign made stuff but this welder has proven itself. At this point Mig is basically king. Theres not much that cant be welded with a properly setup mig welder. Tig welding is the most versatile but its definately a very steep learning curve and expensive.Not to mention its extremely time consuming.
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Old 05-11-2012, 07:19 PM   #8
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Re: So I wanna weld.....

I just started welding not to long ago.

my advice would be to get a decent welder right off the bat if you can. I bought a cheapo mig welder and out grew it so fast. Now just about everything I do i just tack it with my welder and take it to my grandfather's to use his high dollar miller.

I keep tryin to tell him its broken so he gives it to me and buys another one for himself. so far no luck.

Wear long sleeves, I got into the habit of not wearing long sleeves and after a short time of welding it will look like you have a rash on your arms, from all the hot stuff dropping on you.

I have an auto darkening helmet but I find myself flipping it up and down all the time anyways so not really necessary.

They have hats that are real thin so its comfortable under the helmet, look into those, i get stuff flyin on my head all the time and it does not feel good.
and wear good shoes also.


thats all i have hope it helps
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Old 05-11-2012, 11:13 PM   #9
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Re: So I wanna weld.....

I have the Miller Pro Hobby auto darkening helmet and love it. It's not too expensive and not a cheapo either.

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Old 05-13-2012, 04:19 AM   #10
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Re: So I wanna weld.....

Vegas, For a home shop, a nice mig is perfect. They can handle sheet metal to frames. I'd get some scrap metal and practice your settings and beads. On a frame, most important is a good penetrating weld. Sheet, basically tack and cool to avoid warpage. Also try to use Argon gas, as apposed to flux, much cleaner. For a helmet, its personal preference, but self shading is nice to have. Nothing wrong with a standard helmet tho. Its all in how much you want to spend.
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Old 05-22-2012, 03:48 PM   #11
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Re: So I wanna weld.....

First off, get some snacks and watch these. I found them VERY helpful when I wanted to start MIG welding;

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Old 05-22-2012, 04:26 PM   #12
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Re: So I wanna weld.....

hey madmanandrew- too funny, i feel honored that im your profile quote!!! hahah!!!
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Old 06-17-2012, 09:27 PM   #13
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Old 06-29-2012, 09:05 AM   #14
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Re: So I wanna weld.....

good info here

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