Re: What did you do to your truck today!
I took truck out for its first cruise. It ran beautiful. Still have some air in the breaks. I went to a swap meet and found rear slider for ten bucks and a bench seat for fifteen. The buckets are pushing me too far forward. I like the way they feel but I have long legs and need the room. Took truck down to my moms and took her for a ride. We went over and saw my brother and he remembers my Dad and I driving into the yard in 1972. He was very emotional and it made for a great moment. I was 8 years old and remember it vaguely. I do remember watching rudolph the red nose and Dad asking me iof I want to go get a new truck and the salesman helping me up into the truck. Any way I am very happy to be able to drive the truck and can't wait to get all the bugs out of it.