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Old 05-30-2012, 12:30 AM   #1
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Wade's 52 5 window

Let me start this off with a little background on the truck. The truck was bought by my uncle in 1984 in Wyoming. He bought the truck and trailered it back to Fort Collins, Colorado. It then was put in my grandma's pasture where it sat until this year. My uncle passed away in 2010 and I inherited this truck. The truck had been sitting for so long without moving that a sapling grew into a full size tree through the spare frame that was sitting in front of it. I had to cut down the tree and then cut the stump out between the rear passenger side wheel and the frame. Now that the truck is free i'm finally getting this project going. The goal of the project for right now is to put a full pressure 235 in it and get it running and get the interior clean and put together. Later I will put a 292 HD-TD in it with a Holset H35x or H40x turbo on it and fuel inject it with a 5 speed or maybe even a t56 as well as a new rear end along with bags. The truck is in surprisingly great shape considering the passenger window is missing. The only rust I have found so far is a hole about 3 inches long where the floor pan meets the toe board. I plan on keeping the paint exactly how it is and only lowering it about 5 inches for now. So with that said ON TO THE PICTURES!

Heres the truck how is sat when I first started working on it.

As you can see something was probably living in it at one point. So far I have found probably around 50 or so wasp's nest and I keep killing and finding more.

Here is how big this "sapling" that grew between the frame infront of the truck was.

And here is where it grew around and into the leaf spring.

But it had to go in order to get the truck out.

Here you can see the marks from the leaf spring in the trunk of the tree.

Now that the tree was gone I could finally move the truck and see what was missing. So far the only thing that's missing from what I can tell is the 4speed u joint assembly. Judging by the marks on the inside of the ball assembly it looks like there was a u joint failer and that's why the truck was taken off the road. The torque tube was disconnected from the trans when it was brought home and a lot of the parts were inside the cab under that huge mess.

Luckily I have all of the fenders as well as the running boards so the trucks patina matches.

From here I took the head off the truck to try and get the motor to turn over and to my surprise it turned over just by moving the fan belt. So far I have not come across one bolt that has been seized *fingers crossed*.

The only thing that I have found that I need to fix to get the truck on the road again is the passenger side rear shackle hanger. The bushing is it has torn trough the bracket so i'll need to find a replacement and weld them on.

I tore down the truck a pretty good amount today. I took the bed off the frame, The grill and front fenders off. the gas tank out along with the gauges and everything that was inside the truck.

I also have a pretty rare piece on this truck. This is a Trico Electro-Vac. It's a vacuum pump so when the motor is under load the wipers still work. The guys over at stovebolt said they have never seen one on a 1/2 ton cause they were pretty expensive (50$+ install in '52)

I also found some goodies for the truck in my uncles shop. I found this stainless steel visor that is missing the center clamps and one end bracket. And also a fulton which was white, I sanded it down to the other layers of paint/ primer to give it the same look as the truck.


Well that's about all for now. I hope to get the cab off the frame this weekend and possible the motor and trans out as well. Sorry for the long first post the other ones won't be nearly this long.
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Old 05-30-2012, 07:08 AM   #2
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Re: Wade's 52 5 window

G'day Cotsi95,

That's a great first post and made for good reading. If that was the saw that you used to cut down the sapling then I can see that you're not against doing hard labor which is great news for the outcome of your truck. Good luck with your project and keep those pics rolling in!

Regards, Trently.
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Old 05-30-2012, 01:06 PM   #3
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Re: Wade's 52 5 window

Nice truck, and story..
Keep the pictures coming..
Good luck...
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Old 05-30-2012, 01:27 PM   #4
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Re: Wade's 52 5 window

Good story and pics. Getting it liberated from that tree must have been a lot of work. Keep us posted on the progress. Is that the remains of a logo that was painted on the door of the truck? Looks like I can see some very faded lettering.
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Old 05-30-2012, 10:30 PM   #5
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Re: Wade's 52 5 window

Originally Posted by Russell Ashley View Post
Good story and pics. Getting it liberated from that tree must have been a lot of work. Keep us posted on the progress. Is that the remains of a logo that was painted on the door of the truck? Looks like I can see some very faded lettering.
Getting the frame free from the tree took about 4 hours. Ya the logo says "swap shop antiques" I plan on leaving it just the way it is.

I worked on some projects for the truck. I refaced my gauges using the decal kit from classic parts. It was pretty easy to do and they turned out looking brand new. I need to get a new temp gauge since the sender was cut from the gauge, But it shows what they all used to look like before I refaced them. The speedo was pretty easy to do as well. I also resurfaced the odometer and set it back to 0 miles.

I also got some parts together to send to the platers, should come out pretty sweet and unique. And yes that's the pin and handle to my grenade shift knob.

Last thing i did was mock up this 55 belair hood ornament. I'm trying to find a 53 gmc truck "jet" hood ornament but there pretty hard to find. I dont know if ill use this one or just hold out for the one i really want.

Last edited by cotsi95; 05-30-2012 at 10:50 PM.
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Old 05-31-2012, 09:05 PM   #6
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Re: Wade's 52 5 window

Test fitted my shift knob, and took some measurements for door panels today, not much progress, but i think the shift knob will look really cool once i get it plated.

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Old 05-31-2012, 09:15 PM   #7
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Re: Wade's 52 5 window

Great project, love the patina!
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Old 06-07-2012, 12:48 AM   #8
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Re: Wade's 52 5 window

Went to the junk yard today and picked up some great parts. Did a lot of scouting as well. I'm lucky in that a local yard has probably 15+ ad trucks and 100+ pre 60 cars. Most are still in great shape as well. One thing I did get were these 2 235 Rochester carbs that im gonna rebuild and run the 3 carb Offenhauser intake when I get my 235. Besides for 5$ a pop and 15 to rebuild I really can't lose. I already have one stripped and in the carb bath.

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Old 06-07-2012, 11:23 AM   #9
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Re: Wade's 52 5 window

Great to see another local! I picked up this beauty in Ft. Collins about 2 weeks ago.

What did you use to get the goo from the insulation pads off of the footwell / firewall, and did you just rip out the firewall insulation pad thing or use some gentler method? I don't know why I'm trying not to shred it...the replacement pads are $125 at classic parts and $50 at LMC, but the classic parts pad is molded plastic vs rubber.

Your chrome from the interior looks pretty good. My glove box and ash tray aren't quite that nice. You may be able to find the hood ornament at LMC...but not cheap!

Great truck. I can't wait to get this project finished and on to something like yours that I will be able to drive every day.
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Old 06-08-2012, 01:30 AM   #10
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Re: Wade's 52 5 window

Very cool 1 1/2 ton. Where did you find that at? I havent touched the firewall padding yet but it pretty tore up so I end up getting it from LMC. I have a few other sets of interior chrome but im going to end up doing something pretty unique with mine, stay tuned for that. If you ever need any parts let me know as i usually have them or can find some cheap.

I found a 54' 235 in Denver today so im hoping to pick that up soon, I have a few other projects going on from my talon (go fast car) to helping my dad with his 57 belair project im pretty busy but hoping to get the motor out of the truck next week and start on the new motor so i can get this sucker running!
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Old 06-08-2012, 12:46 PM   #11
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Re: Wade's 52 5 window

Found it on Ft Collins craigslist. It was pretty cheap so i couldn't pass it up. I ripped the firewall padding out yesterday and it was pretty gross in there. This rig was a rat motel for sure. I think I saw that 235 on craigslist too. The one in my rig runs so I lucked out there. I do need the heater fan speed switch as mine is busted. I'm also going to have to rewire the entire thing and get a new battery. I was going to convert to 12v, but buying a 6v battery is so much easier. Next will be getting the gauges working, getting a new red needle for the speedo, and getting new numbers on the odometer if it is still salvagable.

I wish I had a 5 window. I've got my eye on a '49 with all the good parts from an '88 4wd blazer.
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Old 06-12-2012, 11:24 AM   #12
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Re: Wade's 52 5 window

Any luck with the new motor?
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Old 06-13-2012, 04:51 AM   #13
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Re: Wade's 52 5 window

Originally Posted by jrdecat View Post
Found it on Ft Collins craigslist. It was pretty cheap so i couldn't pass it up. I ripped the firewall padding out yesterday and it was pretty gross in there. This rig was a rat motel for sure. I think I saw that 235 on craigslist too. The one in my rig runs so I lucked out there. I do need the heater fan speed switch as mine is busted. I'm also going to have to rewire the entire thing and get a new battery. I was going to convert to 12v, but buying a 6v battery is so much easier. Next will be getting the gauges working, getting a new red needle for the speedo, and getting new numbers on the odometer if it is still salvagable.

I wish I had a 5 window. I've got my eye on a '49 with all the good parts from an '88 4wd blazer.
I know classic parts sells new needles and gauge reface kits that comes with new decals to do the odometer, i redid mine and its pretty easy. The 235 was from a panel truck a guy was selling and the buyer of it didnt want the motor so i picked it up pretty cheap.

Originally Posted by jrdecat View Post
Any luck with the new motor?
Yep I got it tore down yesterday. It is a 54 full oiler, it has .60 over pistons that look great. The walls are perfect, the mains are .10 over and the rods are .20 over. The rod bearings were pretty bad but no scratches on the crank or anything, im just gonna get the crank polished, drill and tap the block for a full flow oil filtering and drop new bearings in it and run it. Oh i almost forgot the best part. It has a 56 848 head, which to my understanding is a higher compression head? (Looking into it more).

Also should have some goodies here on friday, im collecting a pretty good parts pile and should be able to get some work done as long as the smoke from the fire stays away. For anyone thats been watching the news the high park fire is about 5 miles from me and its pretty bad, you can't really breath outside as the smoke of just everywhere in town.

I've been a little busy with other projects as well, I home brew so today i bottled a cherry wheat ale that i brewed 2 weeks ago, it's pretty damn good if i do say so myself!

and im also working on a full frame off street rod build on my dad's 57 belair. Flatliners is currently doing the body work and painting the body, should be pretty epic when its done!

heres a pic of the frame from today and what the car looked like before we started the body work a few months ago.

Hopefully ill have some more updates soon, I really need to organize my parts and get a plan in action.
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Old 06-14-2012, 08:45 AM   #14
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Re: Wade's 52 5 window

Originally Posted by cotsi95 View Post

Also should have some goodies here on friday, im collecting a pretty good parts pile and should be able to get some work done as long as the smoke from the fire stays away. For anyone thats been watching the news the high park fire is about 5 miles from me and its pretty bad, you can't really breath outside as the smoke of just everywhere in town.

I've been a little busy with other projects as well, I home brew so today i bottled a cherry wheat ale that i brewed 2 weeks ago, it's pretty damn good if i do say so myself!
We had pretty bad smoke down here in Denver on Tuesday morning, but it cleared up in the afternoon. I can't even imagine what you guys are going through.

I brew as well. I've got an imperial brown ale in secondary right now. I'm working on fabbing up a 3 tier gravity flow system with kegs converted to kettles so I can brew bigger batches. There will be burners on all 3 tiers so you can control the temp of your mash instead of using one of those annoying coolers for a mash tun. Hopefully I'll be able to sell them to some of the local home brew shops to make money to buy truck parts.

Stay safe and bottoms up!

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Old 06-15-2012, 06:57 AM   #15
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Re: Wade's 52 5 window

Very nice! I really want to do an all grain but I don't have the space and my partial mashs are coming out great. I think my next set up will be a kegging system so I don't have to wait the extra week to bottle carb.

Got some parts cleaned yesterday in the hot tank, today ill sand blast and paint.
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Old 06-15-2012, 10:19 AM   #16
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Re: Wade's 52 5 window

Space is exactly the reason why I am building a 3 tier system. It should only take up about 3'x3' of space in a garage (which I don't have). I'm just copying a design I found online:

You should talk to the brewers at new belgium. They will put you on a wait list for old kegs that you can turn into "keggles". Then you can brew 15 gal batches! I've done both partial mash and all grain and there are benefits to both, but both make great beer. I prefer kegging to bottling also, except that you tend to drink more beer when you can just pull the magic handle and have beer appear in your glass. My kegging "system" consists of a siphon hose and nothing more.
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Old 06-17-2012, 07:51 AM   #17
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Re: Wade's 52 5 window

How long have you been brewing for? I've only been brewing for around 2.5 years. I love brewing I just wish i had more time and space to do it.

As for the truck I got a lot of parts blasted yesterday and today im going to paint some parts and hopefully organize it all. There should be an update tonight.
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Old 06-22-2012, 01:55 AM   #18
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Re: Wade's 52 5 window

I got my fenton dual carb intake mocked up. The engine should be dropped off at the machine shop tomorrow for a full flow oil filter conversion as well as the crank being polished and harded valve seats put in.

I also picked up some new taillights a guide traffic light viewer and some air cleaners at good guys a couple weeks ago, Im hoping to get some work done on the truck this weekend so some more updates should come.

Last edited by cotsi95; 06-22-2012 at 02:00 AM.
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Old 07-26-2012, 08:08 AM   #19
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Re: Wade's 52 5 window

Got the motor back from the machine shop, looks great and they did an awesome job with the full flow conversion. Been super busy with other projects but they are coming along so it's time to focus on the truck for a bit. I tried to test fit my radio delete panel I picked up but it seems that my truck had a different radio in it. If anyone knows what panel/ radio i need to get to fill up these holes let me know. I should have some pics this weekend of the motor starting to get assembled.

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Old 07-26-2012, 10:47 PM   #20
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Re: Wade's 52 5 window

Test fitted the Fulton I found in the shed next to the truck.
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Old 07-27-2012, 10:11 PM   #21
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Re: Wade's 52 5 window

Pulled the heater out today, I have no idea what it is besides the fact that i know its not factory. Its really cool though and will be going back in after i clean it up a little.

It's got this really cool cable control panel, just need to find some new knobs since there all broken off.

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Old 07-28-2012, 02:20 PM   #22
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Re: Wade's 52 5 window

Originally Posted by cotsi95 View Post
I got my fenton dual carb intake mocked up.

Awesome truck !

I am keeping my 6cyl also. Its a 261cid an was thinking later to add that intake. I located a place thats got an exhaust to go with it

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Old 07-28-2012, 02:59 PM   #23
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Re: Wade's 52 5 window

here is a pic of the factory 54 gmc heater. this pic comes from the oldgmctruck web site. hope this helps.
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Old 07-29-2012, 03:59 AM   #24
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Re: Wade's 52 5 window

Thanks I found out the heater in the truck is from a 49-51 chevy sedan. Since It used a huge heater core that mounted inside the engine bay and it is missing/ ugly. I'm going to be picking up a Airflow heater I fount on craigs list with everything needed to install it. The motor build got pushed back to next weekend.
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Old 10-05-2012, 01:50 AM   #25
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Re: Wade's 52 5 window

Few quick updates. I ended up getting a deluxe heater for the truck and got it tore apart waiting for paint right now. I also picked up a few other parts I needed like a temp gauge and 60 psi oil pressure gauge for the 235. I also managed to score a 52 GMC rocket hood ornament that is SUPER rare. I've been scouring ebay for months and finally pulled the trigger on one.

Since winter is approaching fast i'm gonna move the truck into the garage and finally get some real progress started on her. So their should be a ton of updates in the next week or two.
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