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Old 01-28-2013, 08:07 PM   #51
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Re: An open letter to parts Vendors

they told me never trust anyone over 30...
idk I feel like younger person with somethings but feel like I have the work ethic and moral supiriority haha of an old person. Cant get anybody under 30 to do **** these days.
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Old 01-28-2013, 08:13 PM   #52
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Re: An open letter to parts Vendors

ok you took that the wrong way. I give up obewan.

I spend 5-10 hours a week on nerd forums helping people for free. I appriciate what you do but you arent the only one. I dont know **** about trucks. Thats why my post count is small. I may be a sponge here but I give in spades other places. Thats the way forums work.

I've installed Wordpress (a free content management system for websites) probably 50 times. For free, for people I dont know or care about. I've walked people through fixing their broken servers, web servers, php and other programming issues 1000s of times. I have helped remove more viruses than I can count. I dont even have a link to my website in my sig on those sites as those arent the clients I want... I do it because when I was starting I learned everything from help from others. And its fun for me. Im a computer nerd...
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Old 01-28-2013, 08:25 PM   #53
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Re: An open letter to parts Vendors

x2 EDIT: Somehow quote didn't get through I was x2ing Wes' quote from post #50.
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Old 01-28-2013, 08:37 PM   #54
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Re: An open letter to parts Vendors

Originally Posted by JointTech View Post
ok you took that the wrong way. I give up obewan.

I spend 5-10 hours a week on nerd forums helping people for free. I appriciate what you do but you arent the only one. I dont know **** about trucks. Thats why my post count is small. I may be a sponge here but I give in spades other places. Thats the way forums work.

I've installed Wordpress (a free content management system for websites) probably 50 times. For free, for people I dont know or care about. I've walked people through fixing their broken servers, web servers, php and other programming issues 1000s of times. I have helped remove more viruses than I can count. I dont even have a link to my website in my sig on those sites as those arent the clients I want... I do it because when I was starting I learned everything from help from others. And its fun for me. Im a computer nerd...
And you are valuable and this society needs people like you. It is the way it is and it will never be the way it was, despite a small group of us that appreciate the way things use to be.
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Old 01-28-2013, 08:40 PM   #55
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Re: An open letter to parts Vendors

JointTech you just said something that is key for everyone IMHO "It's fun for me" important no matter who you are
"Some Days Chickens And Some Days Feathers"

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Old 01-28-2013, 09:21 PM   #56
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Re: An open letter to parts Vendors

Originally Posted by JointTech View Post
i feel your pain. Unfortunatley unless you are old shunning the Gen Ners wont work. I need my business to support me for another 30 years and those guys are getting older and starting to make purchases and run companies. And the old people are, well, dieing...

Fortunately hard parts isn't my primary business. We only sell parts to clients under management.
If I did deal with them then I would have to raise prices solely because they suck the profit out of a sale for the very reasons I stated. I support my self with my business, but it is a business not a parts nanny service and if they don't know how it works and how its installed they shouldn't be buying it.

Beside 30 and up have more money to spend on projects. 18 - 30 are still trying to impress the girl friend, neighbors, children and co workers and don't have the extra cash to spend.

I hate to break the news to you but we are all dying. Starts at birth and ends with the dirt nap.
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Old 01-28-2013, 09:23 PM   #57
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Re: An open letter to parts Vendors

Unfortunately, we live in "i'm entitled society" i for one love the old American way that i seen little of heard alot about (i'm 30) but think like my father who is 67 yea he is gramps but that man knows more than i could hope to know mechanics, carpentry, race cars, etc..... If it wasn't for the "gramps" of society there would be no hobby pretty much anything decent. I'm the type that hates "wal-mart" business i will spend more at Walgreen's to avoid going there i like buying from the small person. We have an home town parts house here in town that knows what they are talking about i hardly ever darken the doors of any of the three big chain parts stores here. I have bought from board vendors and received super quality and service, LMC not so much they take forever to get parts to me and make them fit. I'm amazed that people don't want to call someone anymore when they got there stupid cell phone in there hand all the time. I work with some youngns and man i feel for the world they are the laziest, stupidest people i've ever seen, i get tired of baby sitting stupid people at work with no will to work, i hope the leaders then are better that what i see everyday.
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Old 01-28-2013, 09:26 PM   #58
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Re: An open letter to parts Vendors

I think anyone would agree about the websites needing updates, current pictures, so on and so forth. LMC has those diagrams, because frankly, you pay for it. Too many times I've purchased something from LMC, been overcharged for something that I could have purchased better quality, AND cheaper through a board vendor. The argument was then made, that x and y generations are hermits, and just want to shop online and don't want to put in a phone call. Thats all fine and dandy and true. Fact is, their lazy. I'm 27, and i'm disgusted with my peers and the younger generation. Maybe the Army has trained me to understand what work does, but unfortunately not everyone is willing to get that information. If a person is lazy or a hermit or however he or she would like to describe their lack of using something other than two fingers to text, then that is simply HIS OR HER problem. That's not the fault of small business owners building websites. Laziness is not call for someone to re develop the way they do something, it's a call for you to step up and do something other than sit on your butt.
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Old 01-28-2013, 11:08 PM   #59
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Re: An open letter to parts Vendors

Originally Posted by JointTech View Post
ok ok. Ill take a step back and think more about it.
This IS a hobby. I should be more inclined to talk with other people (gramps) about parts. But I'm a hermit
Junk yards dont do it for me. I hate snakes, dirty **** and long lines. Oh and the heat. God those dirt lots are hot and dusty. Also my time is worth more than the savings in most cases. Every once in a while I go with a buddy to help him find something and check out whats there.

Anyway, good points all. Maybe ill give the other guys another chance next time. Hopefully they will come around on the websites.

As to the cost/time of keeping a website up to date. yea thats part of doing business. at least thats the way I see it. These arent hobbyists like for example the guy who sells brake booster mounts or the guy that redoes sun visors, they are businesses.

That is where you are very mistaken. Many of the site supporting vendors here are hobbyists whom grew a business from that. ClassicHeartbeat and GMCPauls both come to mind. Both have been around and supported this site and its members for over a decade. Both own and work on their own trucks. Both have had part in having parts that were not available produced for OUR hobby. I am in no way trying to leave any other vendors out, because there are quite a few others whom did the same.

Originally Posted by jointtech
Yea some stuff is crappier but they have everything in one place and its clean and air conditioned...
I would much rather lend my support to someone whom supports our hobby, has been a part of this community and stands by its members than a walmart.

Originally Posted by Classic Heartbeat View Post
So sell me a modern updated website at "Walmart" prices! And oh, would keep updating it for me too? All for the same price.
I designed my site and some of the other companies have copied my ideas.
Originally Posted by Classic Heartbeat View Post
To my knowlege I have never charged anyone a nickle for my knowlege. I have always given it freely and hoped that my advise would be apriciated, and yes an order would result. Does it always happen, no quite the oppisite. 1 in 4 phone calls may result in a parts order and even fewer responces in forums. Yet I take the time with each one of you as if I were building the truck myself, regardless of wether you by a single part from me. Lets see any internet geek (not meaning it in a mean way), build my website for free, and when it mowfunctions, fix it for free and while they are at it update it too. It will not happen, yet us board venders help you with your truck every day, without cost. You just said it yourself in your last post. You kind of sound a little spoiled here, and certainly unappriciative. Not what we have tought you grasshoper... "Gramps"
That sir is what community is about, and what we as a site stand for.

Wes, this is a public open offer.. if YOU feel like it is time to update just let me know. I will take a few days off here and help you do whatever is needed to get the site where YOU want it. And yes, you know I will help you keep it updated as well. I would much rather spend my time offering a hand, then telling you how out of date you are. (not my opinion.. offer stands if you ever want it)

Jointtech.. I have nothing against you, your post, or your opinion. I just disagree with many points you have made. So as you said don't take offense
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Old 01-28-2013, 11:13 PM   #60
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Re: An open letter to parts Vendors

You have posted in the review area so please look around a bit at the LMC posts .

LMC is 15 minutes from work and I haven't spent a dime there .
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Old 01-29-2013, 12:49 AM   #61
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Wink Re: An open letter to parts Vendors

All this talk about parts reminds me. I need to order... Oh crap, I forgot.
I think I'll go take a nap. LOL
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Old 01-29-2013, 12:59 AM   #62
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Re: An open letter to parts Vendors

thats funny. did you delete your post about my website? A little petty if you ask me coming from a mod.
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Old 01-29-2013, 01:09 AM   #63
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Re: An open letter to parts Vendors

Originally Posted by JointTech View Post
thats funny. did you delete your post about my website? A little petty if you ask me coming from a mod.
Actually yes I did, a few minutes ago. I was copying it to send it to you in PM because I felt it may be perceived that way. I decided to delete it and ask you in PM. My questions were just that questions.. Since you feel it is petty, I wont bother. You answered it all in that statement. Funny how its ok to pick apart others in this thread, but when asked legitimate questions brought on by your own postings, I am petty.

Well played my friend.. well played
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Old 01-29-2013, 01:19 AM   #64
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Re: An open letter to parts Vendors

The point of the thread was not to defend my own site. If you want to start that topic (on an appropriate board) go for it and ill be glad to answer your questions. You bringing it up and trying to take me down a notch or something was petty and uncalled for. Easy to hide behind "its just questions". I started this thread to give reason why I wasnt buying from board members even though I WANT TO.

Since this is devolving into me defending myself for my reason and my completely off topic website you can just delete this thread. Obviously its just a source of contension and not worth the drama.

I apologize for bringing it up.
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Old 01-29-2013, 01:24 AM   #65
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Re: An open letter to parts Vendors

Not sure why your snapping.. you started the thread, you made your comments, you pointed out things. I replied, thats how a message board works. No one has asked you to defend your site. You brought your expertise and your standards and your site into the discussion.

pfft, so well that makes me think. I'm holding you small guys to a different standard than I think my clients should hold me. Im more expensive, hell i even charge shipping LOL. oh but my website doesnt suck And I offer nearly everything IT related in a one stop shop.
I asked questions on what appeared to be broken links or missing content, as well as 2 design questions. You presented yourself as an expert, so I asked. If that makes me petty and hiding behind questions so be it? You can dish out a bunch, but flip at a question.. wow.
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Old 01-29-2013, 01:38 AM   #66
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Re: An open letter to parts Vendors

There is nothing better than calling a vendor and getting an actual human who knows what he/she is talking about and takes the time to ensure your order is correct. I choose not to purchase from web only businesses for this reason. It doesn't matter how good/bad the website is, it will never be able to replace quality customer service.
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Old 01-29-2013, 01:44 AM   #67
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Re: An open letter to parts Vendors

the cobblers children wear no shoes? I dont get clients via my website so I dont really care about it. Since you mention it I should give it a kick in the butt. I quit actively seeking design and programming work a couple years ago. Lost the taste for it. I always sucked at design. I mainly did database type stuff. Now I farm it out for clients that need it. Hey its not completely default, it has a purpleish color not blue
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Old 01-29-2013, 01:47 AM   #68
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Re: An open letter to parts Vendors

Glad your happy again... have a wonderful night! I'm off to go be petty elsewhere around the site. Ta ta
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Old 01-29-2013, 10:51 AM   #69
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Talking Re: An open letter to parts Vendors

not trying to offend anybody here. but i think that somebody got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. hey just abound all of the vendors sell the same thing. and if you want to to to wal mart go ahead go ahead go ahead . i hate walmart myself but go ahead and knock yourself out.i personally dont care to hear about rants. but its a free country thats ok. and there is no such thing as free shipping you pay for it one way or another.and for me and my build i will be buying lots of parts from vendors on this site in 2013.i like talking to gramps just fine.and lmc the walmart of this does not ship for free either. i hope that i did not offend anybody here.
Originally Posted by JointTech View Post
So I'm about to make another $500 order to LMC. I would prefer to use a board sponsor but here are the reasons I don't.
1. Your websites are terrible. This is 2013. get with it. nobody wants to call and talk to Gramps about the good old days.
2. Your parts cost as much or more than every other crappy website vendor.
3. You charge shipping. Amazon Prime gets me free shipping. Or I just go to walmart(LMC) where I can at least get it all in one place instead of 8 shipping charges.
4. you dont stock enough stuff. (example, want to purchase all new lights. Lots of you have this LED and that lense. Only LMC has all the LEDs, All the lenses, the headlight relay kits and the bulbs.)

All that said I'm not really sure what you can do about it. Its kind of like telling the local mom and pop why you go to Walmart now. Yea some stuff is crappier but they have everything in one place and its clean and air conditioned...

hope i didnt offend anyone.

Last edited by 468BIGBLOCK; 01-29-2013 at 11:09 AM. Reason: wrong spelling.
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Old 01-30-2013, 11:04 AM   #70
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Re: An open letter to parts Vendors

JointTech- Do us all a favor and order your parts from LMC. Then please report back with an "honest" opinion on the product and experience. I can save you some grief if you want, or you can learn from burn. You call it...
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Old 01-30-2013, 12:54 PM   #71
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Re: An open letter to parts Vendors

i ordered door panels, dash pad cover, carpet, and insulation from lmc for my 1980 gmc, the dash cover was off abut half an inch in several places and didnt come with enough adhesive to install so i had to buy more and spend several hrs removing the old stuff before i could install it only to find it didnt fit properly, door panels were a little better but split in two spots a lilttle bit, insulation i had to cut into 10 pieces to get it to fit properly and still wasnt satisfied with the outcome, the carpet was the only good thing, i will never buy from them again
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Old 01-30-2013, 11:36 PM   #72
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Angry Re: An open letter to parts Vendors

JointTech Got to say man I am 31 been messing with motors and older trucks since I was 15 years old and I would rather talk to someone and pay more and support a customer service based company where they care if you come back and buy parts and why wouldnt you want to talk to (Gramps as you put it) he probably knows more than you ever dreamed about but since he dont have a nice website he must not be a good company to do business with I got to say that has to be the (DUMBEST THING I HAVE EVER HEARD) this is what is wrong with our country people that dont want to support mom and pop stores and would rather support the big walmart style companies you call them cheaper is not better like I said I am 31 maybe I am old fashioned but I like doing business with mom and pop I also farm so I like customer service and making friendships so you Pal need to calm down and look at life a little different in my opinion and I am sure I am not alone on this thats all thanks
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Old 01-31-2013, 11:03 AM   #73
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Re: An open letter to parts Vendors

Originally Posted by travz500 View Post
JointTech Got to say man I am 31 been messing with motors and older trucks since I was 15 years old and I would rather talk to someone and pay more and support a customer service based company where they care if you come back and buy parts and why wouldnt you want to talk to (Gramps as you put it) he probably knows more than you ever dreamed about but since he dont have a nice website he must not be a good company to do business with I got to say that has to be the (DUMBEST THING I HAVE EVER HEARD) this is what is wrong with our country people that dont want to support mom and pop stores and would rather support the big walmart style companies you call them cheaper is not better like I said I am 31 maybe I am old fashioned but I like doing business with mom and pop I also farm so I like customer service and making friendships so you Pal need to calm down and look at life a little different in my opinion and I am sure I am not alone on this thats all thanks
WELL said!!!
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Old 01-31-2013, 11:36 AM   #74
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Re: An open letter to parts Vendors

Originally Posted by N2TRUX View Post
JointTech- Do us all a favor and order your parts from LMC. Then please report back with an "honest" opinion on the product and experience. I can save you some grief if you want, or you can learn from burn. You call it...
Originally Posted by 1972BackInBlackC10 View Post
i ordered door panels, dash pad cover, carpet, and insulation from lmc for my 1980 gmc, the dash cover was off abut half an inch in several places and didnt come with enough adhesive to install so i had to buy more and spend several hrs removing the old stuff before i could install it only to find it didnt fit properly, door panels were a little better but split in two spots a lilttle bit, insulation i had to cut into 10 pieces to get it to fit properly and still wasnt satisfied with the outcome, the carpet was the only good thing, i will never buy from them again
I rest my case your honor....
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Old 02-01-2013, 06:43 PM   #75
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Re: An open letter to parts Vendors

I have ordered alot of products from LMC, and I can "honestly" say that I dont have a problem with their quality. I got exactly what I paid for. I compared it to my factory trim, and while admittedly it is stamped from thinner aluminum, once mounted it looks great and works just fine. I get the fact that everyone prefers to order local and help the little guy, but living here in Oklahoma the options are to order from a "walmart" like store like LMC or Classic Truck Parts, or drive 3 hours to the only 67-72 parts source close to me. My local parts source (Kennys Trucks) Decided to move to Texas and he was an hour away. I would love to use strictly the board vendors, but I didnt build a show quality truck, and can live with parts that may not be on the NOS level. Anyways, I get where JointTech is coming from, I just placed two orders to two different companies because neither one carried all the parts I needed so I paid for shipping twice.
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