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Old 11-13-2003, 01:18 AM   #1
Don't say "Oops!", Doctor
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Grrr... still no luck!

For anyone that's been following the saga of my 68 CST troubles, here's a quick update...

Symptom: Backfire through the carb on initial throttle and under a moderate to heavy load. No backfire at all once the initial blip of the throttle is over with. Sounds fine at idle, 2000k, and 3500k.

Basically, it acts like a big ol' vacuum leak or completely hosed timing, but I'll be damned if I can figure it out. At one point I reported that I heard a strange noise, but I'm almost certain now that it is/was a combination of exhaust leak on the passenger side and/or the heat riser was acting flaky.

I just had the carb (Q-Jet) rebuilt by a reputable guy, put it on this evening, and while you can tell he did a whole lot of good, the root cause of my problem still hasn't been identified.

After I threw the carb on and reset the idle, I played with the timing (I was/am at 8 degrees and tried it at about 4 and 12), but that didn't make a lick of difference. I also tried moving the vacuum advance from the port on the carb to the manifold. That didn't make a dent, either.

Guess it's time to tow the old girl over to The Professional and let him figure it out since I'm running out of patience, time, and good weather. Damn!
1968 CST LWB: R.I.P.
1967 Chevelle: TPI 454 beast
1967 C10 SWB: Claimed when Bumpster didn't put it on his list
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Old 11-13-2003, 01:38 AM   #2
Longhorn Man
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You checked for a chipped intake valve?
Fire the truck up and let it warm up. While the engine is sitting at an idle, hold a dollar bill over the opening at the end of your exhaust. The 'wind' blowing out of your pipe(s) should blow the bill out, however,a chipped valve will try to momentarily (and repetitively) suck it into the pipe.
A compression test would do it too, but the cash test is quick, neat to a heart sinking sorta way...and the tool only costs you a buck.
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Old 11-13-2003, 02:52 AM   #3
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Cool Idea Longhorn!!!!
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Old 11-13-2003, 11:50 AM   #4
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A couple ideas...did you ever pull the valve covers to check for a loose rocker arm?? I.E. out of adjustment..worn, or flat lobe. If it has power brakes, you have the potential for a "big ole' vacumm leak". Pull the hose off the carb base, and plug the port (naturally!). Then see what it does. I wouldn't recommend driving it with the rebuilt carb till you get this solved, as you probably know, cause you don't want to ruin the rebuild. Sorry to hear you're still having trouble...we've all been there, and it gets REALLY frustrating....dammit!!!
69 GMC K10 ..some restoration required....still..
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Old 11-13-2003, 12:32 PM   #5
It's a catastrophic success.
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had one burn a head gasket between 3-5, that would put a sputter in the garb, as time went on things got worse you might run a compression check that would rule out valves,gaskets and what not.
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Old 11-13-2003, 12:34 PM   #6
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cracked cap? bad rotor? bad/leaky wires? screwed up firing order (it happens more than you'd think, I got an awesome deal on my '68 because the kid said there was something wrong with the cam, and it was just that #5 & #7 were mixed up)? worn points? points out of adjustment? dwell off? #5 and #7 wire run together (like tied in the same bundle running from the cap to the plugs)? hmm.... that's all I can think of real quick.
my 2¢ - t.i.o.l.i.

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Old 11-13-2003, 01:35 PM   #7
Don't say "Oops!", Doctor
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Well, before I tow it over to The Pro, I'm going to swap on an HEI unit with a new cap, rotor, and wires. That'll eliminate any possibility of the vacuum advance being flaky, the points being goofy, the dwell being off, a cracked cap, and wires being fudged.

I'd try the old dollar bill trick (man, that's a classic), but the exhaust is so eat up with rust that I don't think it'd be a reliable test. Once I get the ignition stuff replaced, I'll run another vacuum test and see if I made any difference. If not, then I'll let someone else have a look.
1968 CST LWB: R.I.P.
1967 Chevelle: TPI 454 beast
1967 C10 SWB: Claimed when Bumpster didn't put it on his list
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Old 11-13-2003, 03:44 PM   #8
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I'll bet that dollar that Andy was using that all your problems will be gone once you change over to HEI. I had similar things going on a few years ago. HEI was already installed but I was getting serious intake backfire under load, going up hills etc. Got it home and pulled the dist. cap. The center point was shattered. It must have been a real light show in there when the truck was running.
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Old 11-13-2003, 04:00 PM   #9
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One of my friends had a '67 with points....the truck didn't have very much power (283/2bbl), and when he would go over 20mph in first gear, it would start back firing and sputterign really bad. One day it would barely run at all....$30 and one junkyard HEI later the truck ran great. It made that little 283 come alive...he had no problem keeing up with a 318 Dodge Ram, and before a VW rabbit proably could have whipped it. Not to mention that the truck got better MPG, started better, and it even quieted down the exhaust!
'72 Chevy C10 Mild 350/TH350/3.07. Ochre/White. Old high school ride.
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Old 11-13-2003, 04:29 PM   #10
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If all the above fails, check the timing chain/sprockets for sloppiness (is that a word)???

Stepsides look like real trucks!

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Old 11-13-2003, 09:13 PM   #11
Class of 69
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Shuttermutt....I thought I read you had a HEI in there already!!! Points need to be replaced, and dwell set...that's all it needs. I would change them first to make sure it takes care of the problem before you change out the distr.
69 GMC K10 ..some restoration required....still..
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Old 11-13-2003, 09:41 PM   #12
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I had a buddy who did a timing chain. "TWICE" on a 318 and it still wouldn't run.We took it to a pro I knew and he took one look and sent his helper for points and condenser.

Brand new P&C were bad. Just goes to show always"Pick the low hanging fruit first"
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Old 11-14-2003, 12:06 AM   #13
Don't say "Oops!", Doctor
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Originally posted by Class of 69
Shuttermutt....I thought I read you had a HEI in there already!!! Points need to be replaced, and dwell set...that's all it needs. I would change them first to make sure it takes care of the problem before you change out the distr.
Nope, no HEI yet. I did change the points, condenser, cap, wires, plugs, and rotor a couple of weeks before this problem came up. I've already pulled the old distributor and the new HEI is stabbed, but...


Guess who forgot to pick up a blade connector to hook up to the coil? C'mon... you know the answer! It's ME!

So, I'm about 90% there on swapping in the HEI unit. I also picked up some proper vacuum caps to plug everything up right. To top it all off, I've also got a buddy's compression test rig borrowed (mine's broke).

I give the new distributor a 40% chance of taking care of the problem. If that doesn't do it (and even if it does), I'll run the compression test. If that comes up okay, I'll be opening up the timing cover.

Keep your fingers crossed for me, gang!
1968 CST LWB: R.I.P.
1967 Chevelle: TPI 454 beast
1967 C10 SWB: Claimed when Bumpster didn't put it on his list
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Old 11-14-2003, 12:08 AM   #14
Don't say "Oops!", Doctor
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BTW, anybody want to buy a used points distributor with a new cap, rotor, condenser, and wires REAL cheap?
1968 CST LWB: R.I.P.
1967 Chevelle: TPI 454 beast
1967 C10 SWB: Claimed when Bumpster didn't put it on his list
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Old 11-14-2003, 12:36 AM   #15
Longhorn Man
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Originally posted by shuttermutt
I give the new distributor a 40% chance of taking care of the problem.
I give it a 50/50...either it will or it wont...that is a 50/50.
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Old 11-14-2003, 12:43 AM   #16
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In the Navy we had a saying.."50/50/90" other words if you have a 50/50 chance of something working 90% of the time it won't! Hopefully it won't work out this way for shuttermutt.
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Old 11-14-2003, 12:43 AM   #17
Don't say "Oops!", Doctor
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Originally posted by Longhorn Man

I give it a 50/50...either it will or it wont...that is a 50/50.
Using that same logic, however, parking it in a field and throwing rocks at it has a 50/50 chance of fixing it, too!
1968 CST LWB: R.I.P.
1967 Chevelle: TPI 454 beast
1967 C10 SWB: Claimed when Bumpster didn't put it on his list
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Old 11-24-2003, 12:59 AM   #18
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I just finished the HEI conversion this afternoon (hey, gimme a break... wife's been in the hospital). The result? No love at all.

Oh, and that noise? It's back. Well, then it goes away again. Then it's back. Now that I've heard it come and go all while the engine's running, I'm thinking I've got a lifter acting up on me. Grrr...

To make matters worse (or better depending on how you view it), I noticed some fuel (not much, but enough to get my attention) down by the driver's side front near the idle screw after kicking the engine up to about 2500 rpm for a minute. I'll be giving my carb rebuild guy a call in the morning about that one.

Somebody want to sacrifice a <bleep> chicken for me? Geez... my freakin' inspection sticker's gonna run out before I get this thing fixed at the rate I'm making progress!
1968 CST LWB: R.I.P.
1967 Chevelle: TPI 454 beast
1967 C10 SWB: Claimed when Bumpster didn't put it on his list
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Old 11-24-2003, 03:22 AM   #19
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same problem once

I had the same problem once in a 73 pickup 350. It was a flat lobe on the camshaft.
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Old 12-01-2003, 05:11 PM   #20
Don't say "Oops!", Doctor
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Well, I stumbled into what I think is a pretty good deal and should solve the problem once and for all... a new engine!

Turns out a friend of a friend runs a small garage and towing service. He pulled in a totalled 85 Chevy 4X4 that had a later model 350 built by a local circle track guy in it. I told him that if I could hear it run and it sounded okay, we could probably come to a price.

I heard it run this morning and it sounds awesome. No unusual noises from the bottom or top and, from the sound of it, I'd say they weren't lying about having a little bit of a cam in it. Not even a puff of smoke from the open exhaust (and yes, I'm absolutely positive this was the first time the engine had been fired in 2 months).

Long story short, I bought it for $250. Actually, we made a deal... he'll sell me the engine, do the engine swap, and hang a new set of duals on it for $700 total. If that engine runs 1/2 as good as it sounded then I think it's a pretty sweet deal. He's supposed to pull my truck into the shop today and get started. Woo-hoo!
1968 CST LWB: R.I.P.
1967 Chevelle: TPI 454 beast
1967 C10 SWB: Claimed when Bumpster didn't put it on his list
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Old 12-01-2003, 05:43 PM   #21
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Awesome deal. Some people have all the luck.
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Old 12-01-2003, 05:48 PM   #22
Don't say "Oops!", Doctor
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Well, I don't know about luck, but I'll take what I can get. Now if I can get 'er running pretty good, I'll have to start working on the body! Black primer and flames? Here I come!
1968 CST LWB: R.I.P.
1967 Chevelle: TPI 454 beast
1967 C10 SWB: Claimed when Bumpster didn't put it on his list
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Old 12-02-2003, 01:35 AM   #23
Longhorn Man
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That's one way to fix it.
Sounds like a good deal.
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