Re: Road TRIP! Headed west after a 69 GMC
I'm sorry I didn't post sooner for those who might be wondering how it went. I got an email from AT&T on Sunday morning about my internet usage on my iPhone, apparently I had used 4 times my allotted data while in a data roaming area. I didn't realize that I was roaming that whole time. So needless to say I stopped accessing the internet and uploading photos.
We had a fun trip but it was really draining because we were trying to make sure we made it back for work this morning. On Saturday night we decided we didn't want to sleep in the truck in a parking lot like we did the previous night. We were determined to take it easy on the way back. What we didn't realize is the difficulty during Sturgis to find a hotel room within 200 miles of the Bike Rally. Unbelievable! We called like 30 hotels and just kept driving from town to town along our way, calling the hotels in the next town or driving around jumping out to check with each front desk. So, we ended up pulling into a wayside rest at about 2.30 AM Sunday and sleeping in the truck. Really not what we wanted to do but hey, that's what we get for Road Trippin during Sturgis. The funny thing was that we tipped the seats back and I looked out the window and saw a transport truck with what looked like a 68 chevy on the top of it. We just had to laugh about that one.
We hauled the mail and finally got some decent food on Saturday night and Sunday, the first 15 hours we lived on gas station stuff because the route we chose took us through towns with not much for options, note to self "take larger roads next time".
It was a blast and after picking up the truck we had the whole way back to think about what we were going to make this truck into. Every time we stopped I had to take another look and inspect this or that on the truck. It's still amazing to me that I actually got the truck bought.
We got back to Park Rapids at about 3.45 on Sunday and unloaded the truck and moved all our gear out of the Duramax. We tucked the truck into the shop at the dealership and both went home to shower and pass out! We were both exhausted from the trip, we clocked 33 hours with the truck running, traveled 1800 miles and burned close to 500 gallons of fuel. It was totally worth it. Totally worth it. Stay tuned for a breakdown of what we think this old 4 eyed girl should be made into, I'm thinking it will involve some parts from the old 69 K20 wrecker I learned to drive in. Thank you for all of the great comments and well wishes. I had a lot of fun posting our progress and reading everybody's comments while we were rolling down the road.