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Old 11-26-2003, 10:11 PM   #1
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Doors for sale on E-Bay (Mine)

I know, I know, I would have offered them up for sale here first but all you guys are like out in freakin texas and I figured I would just be scaring everyone off with shipping quotes. Don't hate me too much. Plus you guys have more than your fair share of rust free GM sheet metal. Oh well worth a shot anyway what with the three other people from New England on here.
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Old 11-26-2003, 10:37 PM   #2
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Your description sound awfully close to mine when I sold my doors a while back.

I purchased a complete pair of PW/PL doors in similar condition for $400 plus shipping recently, and I believe they came from RI! The guy who sold me the doors crated them in one crate and the total was like $200 or so. You could do them in one crate, just build a divider in the middle and rest the second door on will saveboth you and the seller some cash and also save time since you will only need to build one box instead of two.

I then used his crate and sold my doors a couple weeks later and made a little money to boot (but my doors were in better condition).

Let me know if you need any help as far as shipping them and what to look out for.
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Old 11-27-2003, 12:33 AM   #3
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Hey Jeff,

Thanks Bro. I actually did use your description. LOL I was going to ask if you would mind but it was so long back I couldn't remember who it was that had written it. I had my doors back then and was thinking of selling them. I saw your auction on sleazebay and when I saw how much you got for them I thought "Man he musta done something right there", so I copied the description in case I decided to sell my doors later on. I type like three words a minute so I need all the help I can get you know.

Thanks for the offer for the help with the shipping. I have never done it before and was kinda nervous. I am pretty good with woodworking so I know I can build a bulletproof crate. UPS weight limit is 150 though so I was wondering who you would recommend instead if I was to crate both doors together? I was also hoping to avoid a long haul to some shipping terminal. Thanks again Jeff. I figured someone would recognize that description.

Happy Turkey day!

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Old 11-27-2003, 01:49 AM   #4
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Norris, no problem man, glad I could help without even knowing it.

I am sure you have a freight terminal nearby, I used ABF Freight, they did a pretty good job...just one office mixup with the paperwork and the charges...but it all got straightened out.

If you go that route, build the box and box them. Then bring them to the terminal yourself and have the buyer pick them up at the terminal when they arrive in his town/state. Having them picked up and delivered by the trucking company cost mucho $$$!!!

Yes, I got a fair amount of money for my doors, but the damn things were as perfect as you could get, and they were 100% complete with EVERYTHING. I wanted to keep them badly, but had to sell them to pay off my CC for the other doors I purchased.

The guy who purchased them is a really cool guy and we actually became friends sort of. His name is Mike and he has admitted visiting the site...but he is not registered. He also has a real cool truck that I am sure the guys and gals on the board would love to see. Mike, if you are reading this...SIGN UP!
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Old 12-06-2003, 03:41 AM   #5
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I cannot belive they sell for that much!! im gunna have to fly down their one day and pick up some when im rich!

how much do they sell from the wreckers? same price?
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