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Old 10-07-2013, 12:19 PM   #1
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Getting ready to start a DIY backhalf job. Any tips?

I asked around the area and the easiest option is to do it myself. So I'm gonna just do it myself and see how it turns out. If it looks/feels unsafe, I'll just junk it. By the way it's a competition engineering ladder bar rear frame kit(welded frame and all).
My concerns are about having a flat/level surface. I just had a garage poured for this project, but it isn't level or flat(few dips and high spots). Is it still ok to build my frame on there, just shim it accordingly?
I bought and read a few books on suspension work. Also bought the video from Chris Alston. I bought a few tools for this job too - carpenters square, angle finder, digital level, tape measurer, digital rangefinder, plumb bobs, recip. saw, a couple grinders. I'll have a new welding machine too.
1982 Silverado - SBE, cleaned up GM heads, small cam, TH350, 850 Demon, 4.56 gears, and caltracs.
Best time so far 11.8@XXXMPH
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Old 10-07-2013, 01:09 PM   #2
Marv D
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Re: Getting ready to start a DIY backhalf job. Any tips?

Just be EXTRA cautious what you reference to and from/. The BEST floors are not pefectly level. I put in rebar every 10' for the guys to pour my shop floor, they finished it with one of those 'ride-on' whirllybird things, saw cut the expansion/contraction joints after the floor cured. and it's STILL got dips and valleys. Go to the hardware store and buy like 20' of clear, 1/2" flexible poly tubing and a couple of rubber plugs. Water in the tube WILL be level. A 3 or 4' level is really just minimally usefull when your trying to level a 18' chassis.

FYI,, taking the sawzall to the frame will be one of the hardest things you will do.

All I can say is measure 100 times, cut ONCE
Still playin with trucks, even at my age!

When you're dead, it's only a problem for the people around you, because you don't know you're dead.
.....It's kinda the same when your STUPID.

I just did my taxes and reviewed my SS statement. Thanks to the current administration it looks like I will only have to work till noon on the day of my funeral.
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Old 10-07-2013, 01:49 PM   #3
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Re: Getting ready to start a DIY backhalf job. Any tips?

Brace the frame in front of where you will be cutting and level it front to back and side to side then when you place your main crossmember you have a solid level way to square from. Once you get it tacked in tack your two rear hoops on and the back crossmember and square corner to corner... If everything is square ad level your good to go. You could also pre assemble the entire rear structure and set into place but I would advise against fully welding until you have it in and it can't move. I am a elder by trade so I've built a lot of structural frames for projects and never had a failure yet... Good luck and don't hesitate to ask questions.

1965 Chevy Bagged,361 sbc,voodoo cam,1.5 full roller rockers,patriot 185cc vortec heads 2.02-1.60,vortec weiand polished intake,demon carb

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Old 10-07-2013, 02:46 PM   #4
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Re: Getting ready to start a DIY backhalf job. Any tips?

I think I remember you mentioning the poly tube and water trick before. I'll do that. I might go pick up one of those handheld bandsaws to use instead of the sawzall. My neighbor cut my rollbar with one pretty easily and it had good control too.

I had planned to assemble the rear suspension and roll it under the truck after cutting out the old frame. I even built a exhaust tubing housing to use until my narrowed rear is done.
1982 Silverado - SBE, cleaned up GM heads, small cam, TH350, 850 Demon, 4.56 gears, and caltracs.
Best time so far 11.8@XXXMPH
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Old 10-07-2013, 09:48 PM   #5
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Re: Getting ready to start a DIY backhalf job. Any tips?

A couple of other sugestions for you. I back halved my 1990 Corvette, and have a 4-Link suspension, and narrowed rear in it. The goal with that thing is to get the 33X21.5/15 Mickey Thompsons to fit in the body. Lots of fun but that is another story.

First the back halve kit you bought is a decent one. I cut all mine with a cut off wheel leaving atleast an extra 1/2 inch and coming back in and grinding it smooth after the fact. I would rather cut twice or cut once and grind to fit.

Second, if possible with your bed removed, put the frame portion in between your rails and measure where you want the thing to sit, and get it close. Box the frame infront of the area to be welded but do not weld the the plate in place on either frame rail.

Cut the outriggers so that they are way long, and prepare to grind to fit. Make sure you are measuring left to right front to back and diagonally. Grind the outriggers slowly to make the fit tight. Add rear outriggers the same way if possible, and once everything is in place so that it does not move, tack it all into place.

Box the frame on the keeper side of the frame, and make sure it is still square. Make your welds small stitch welds and watch the heat.

Once the box is in, and the subframe is welded in place, then cut the frame out of your way.

Biggest piece of advice is take your time, and measure a ton. You can do this.
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Old 10-08-2013, 05:36 PM   #6
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Re: Getting ready to start a DIY backhalf job. Any tips?

Thank you guys for the advice. I feel a lot better now. I've been intimidated by this part of the project for a while. Gonna assemble the rear assembly hopefully tomorrow. Then start some measuring on the truck.
1982 Silverado - SBE, cleaned up GM heads, small cam, TH350, 850 Demon, 4.56 gears, and caltracs.
Best time so far 11.8@XXXMPH
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Old 10-08-2013, 10:45 PM   #7
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Re: Getting ready to start a DIY backhalf job. Any tips?

If it's not to much to ask, you think you can post pics of how you go about doing it all? I'm wanting to back half my truck and it'd be nice to see someone else do it with pictures.

I'm thinking of just buying all my parts locally and not as a kit.
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Old 10-08-2013, 10:57 PM   #8
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Re: Getting ready to start a DIY backhalf job. Any tips?

Get a bunch of C-clamps and a few bar clamps. When you are doing welding work you can never have too many clamps.
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Old 10-09-2013, 06:16 PM   #9
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Re: Getting ready to start a DIY backhalf job. Any tips?

I'll take pics, but don't think the quality of my work is something to follow. But I'll do my best to do this right, I really want a nice/fast/safe truck when I'm done.
I'm still trying to find someone to narrow the rear housing for me. None of the machine shops will help me out...they went as far as saying they couldn't even cut the housing for me. May have to do this myself too.
Will get plenty of clamps on my next trip to town.
1982 Silverado - SBE, cleaned up GM heads, small cam, TH350, 850 Demon, 4.56 gears, and caltracs.
Best time so far 11.8@XXXMPH
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Old 10-09-2013, 08:55 PM   #10
Marv D
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Re: Getting ready to start a DIY backhalf job. Any tips?

It may be worth ordering the rear end housing from someone like Alston / Williams etc. To get the housing ends and 4link brackets welded on exactly right is no task for the first timer,, At least I sure wouldn't. But then I HATE rear end work of any kind.
Still playin with trucks, even at my age!

When you're dead, it's only a problem for the people around you, because you don't know you're dead.
.....It's kinda the same when your STUPID.

I just did my taxes and reviewed my SS statement. Thanks to the current administration it looks like I will only have to work till noon on the day of my funeral.
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Old 10-11-2013, 08:08 PM   #11
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Re: Getting ready to start a DIY backhalf job. Any tips?

I hear ya Marv, but I'm gonna go ahead and dive in. Hopefully I come out on the other side with some new knowledge and a badass truck. I'm ordering the alignment bushings/rod for the housing and my wife is ordering me a new welder(a good one). With all the knowledge and experience on this board, I'm sure ya'll can guide me through it.
1982 Silverado - SBE, cleaned up GM heads, small cam, TH350, 850 Demon, 4.56 gears, and caltracs.
Best time so far 11.8@XXXMPH
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Old 10-16-2013, 03:29 PM   #12
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Re: Getting ready to start a DIY backhalf job. Any tips?

Gonna be a couple weeks. Weather has been horrible here. Bought me some cool RV jackstands that you can turn/adjust the height precisely.
1982 Silverado - SBE, cleaned up GM heads, small cam, TH350, 850 Demon, 4.56 gears, and caltracs.
Best time so far 11.8@XXXMPH
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Old 10-16-2013, 04:47 PM   #13
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Re: Getting ready to start a DIY backhalf job. Any tips?

The suspension is going to be the hardest part.. Shock angle, bar angle, and mount pout all figure into the equation so take a lot of time and research...

1965 Chevy Bagged,361 sbc,voodoo cam,1.5 full roller rockers,patriot 185cc vortec heads 2.02-1.60,vortec weiand polished intake,demon carb

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Old 01-02-2014, 01:01 PM   #14
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Re: Getting ready to start a DIY backhalf job. Any tips?

Been a while since I messed with this project. Got in a little slump and pretty much gave up on trucks, my garage, and life. Got screwed out of a job I loved and had to part ways with a really good friend. I was bitter and filled with so much hatred that nothing I liked to do made me happy anymore. But I realized I needed to just man up and get over it...move on. My 7yo daughter asked me when I'm gonna go racing again because she wants to see me win again. That there did it for me. I'm gonna build a badass little truck. I'll be back in here soon with some progress.
1982 Silverado - SBE, cleaned up GM heads, small cam, TH350, 850 Demon, 4.56 gears, and caltracs.
Best time so far 11.8@XXXMPH
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Old 01-02-2014, 01:41 PM   #15
Marv D
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Re: Getting ready to start a DIY backhalf job. Any tips?

One thing for sure,, no matter how hard life gets,, kids learn fron what they see. Don't let her see someone bitter, depressed and down on jobs/friends/life/ work or anything. Be the positive image no matter what.

(OK,, off my soap box now)

A trick I leaned from a good friend who after 7 years was discouraged with his 65 build and couldn't get motivated again. He said he went out EVERY day and did ONE THING,,, Even if that 'one thing' was just clean and polish ONE bolt,, ONE thing every day. (there are only so many bolts on a truck and you have to move on to something else right!)

And that's the point. Those days of 90 seconds to polish one bolt starts the ball rolling and before you know it,,, it's 90 minutes cleaning, planning , building and making progress. A step back to gather your thoughts and goals isn't necessarily a bad thing,,, but a complee HALT,, can be the death of a project. Look in racingjunk, craigslist and the 'auto parts' listing in the paper. It's full of projects that ran out of interest.

Disappointment and discouragment

It happens to us all team,,, what YOU do with it is the key.
Still playin with trucks, even at my age!

When you're dead, it's only a problem for the people around you, because you don't know you're dead.
.....It's kinda the same when your STUPID.

I just did my taxes and reviewed my SS statement. Thanks to the current administration it looks like I will only have to work till noon on the day of my funeral.
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Old 01-02-2014, 02:10 PM   #16
hotrod 80
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Re: Getting ready to start a DIY backhalf job. Any tips?

Originally Posted by Marv D View Post

A trick I leaned from a good friend who after 7 years was discouraged with his 65 build and couldn't get motivated again. He said he went out EVERY day and did ONE THING,,, Even if that 'one thing' was just clean and polish ONE bolt,, ONE thing every day. (there are only so many bolts on a truck and you have to move on to something else right!)

And that's the point. Those days of 90 seconds to polish one bolt starts the ball rolling and before you know it,,, it's 90 minutes cleaning, planning , building and making progress. A step back to gather your thoughts and goals isn't necessarily a bad thing,,, but a complee HALT,, can be the death of a project. Look in racingjunk, craigslist and the 'auto parts' listing in the paper. It's full of projects that ran out of interest.
This works for me also . One task at a time . Some go smooth , some dont . Eat the elephant one bite at a time .

What part of Texas are you in ?
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Old 01-02-2014, 03:20 PM   #17
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Re: Getting ready to start a DIY backhalf job. Any tips?

I know what you mean Marv. I made sure to play the good positive father role all the time. Especially for Christmas, I made sure to create that magical feel that Christmas had when I was a kid.
You mentioned that the shop floor being uneven/flat wasn't a big deal. Do you think I could just build it in my gravel driveway? I don't have electricity at the shop yet and it's to far for extensions. I have several levels(digital and bubble).
Hotrod, I'm near Uvalde(about 2.5hrs southwest of San Antonio). I like that the elephant one bite at a time.
1982 Silverado - SBE, cleaned up GM heads, small cam, TH350, 850 Demon, 4.56 gears, and caltracs.
Best time so far 11.8@XXXMPH
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Old 01-03-2014, 12:12 PM   #18
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Re: Getting ready to start a DIY backhalf job. Any tips?

Originally Posted by team39763 View Post
I know what you mean Marv. I made sure to play the good positive father role all the time. Especially for Christmas, I made sure to create that magical feel that Christmas had when I was a kid.
You mentioned that the shop floor being uneven/flat wasn't a big deal. Do you think I could just build it in my gravel driveway? I don't have electricity at the shop yet and it's to far for extensions. I have several levels(digital and bubble).
Hotrod, I'm near Uvalde(about 2.5hrs southwest of San Antonio). I like that the elephant one bite at a time.
EDIT: Realized I can't build it in the driveway since it'll most likely move out of adjustment after 5minutes.
1982 Silverado - SBE, cleaned up GM heads, small cam, TH350, 850 Demon, 4.56 gears, and caltracs.
Best time so far 11.8@XXXMPH
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Old 01-03-2014, 02:03 PM   #19
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Re: Getting ready to start a DIY backhalf job. Any tips?

Originally Posted by team39763 View Post
Been a while since I messed with this project. Got in a little slump and pretty much gave up on trucks, my garage, and life. Got screwed out of a job I loved and had to part ways with a really good friend. I was bitter and filled with so much hatred that nothing I liked to do made me happy anymore. But I realized I needed to just man up and get over it...move on. My 7yo daughter asked me when I'm gonna go racing again because she wants to see me win again. That there did it for me. I'm gonna build a badass little truck. I'll be back in here soon with some progress.
I'm a therapist. The best thing to do is to remain active. Doesn't even have to be something you care about (even though that is much more effective) but the process of doing things and being around others provides reinforcement which improves mood and outlook.

Good luck on your truck. Lets see some pics when you can.
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Old 01-03-2014, 10:09 PM   #20
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Re: Getting ready to start a DIY backhalf job. Any tips?

I'm trying to stay active. I just found out today that I got hired at a new job doing what I like to do. Thank You Jesus! I hope to start next week.
I plan to narrow the axle tomorrow and assemble the ladder bars. I already bought mock-up shocks. Will take pics if the weather permits.
1982 Silverado - SBE, cleaned up GM heads, small cam, TH350, 850 Demon, 4.56 gears, and caltracs.
Best time so far 11.8@XXXMPH
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Old 01-12-2014, 06:31 PM   #21
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Re: Getting ready to start a DIY backhalf job. Any tips?

Weather finally let up, so I got some measuring and cutting done. Measured to space between the stock frame rails where I'm gonna put the ladder bar crossmember. I decided I want to shorten the wheelbase from 103 to 100or 99(It's a cosmetic thing). I was about to cut the axle to make a mock-up axle, but decided to wait until I get a couple more parts I need. Plus I wanna verify the new flange to flange measurement one more time. Once I get that done I'll assemble the backhalf enough to roll it. Decided I definitely need to do it on my concrete slab so I can mark the wheelbase and centerlines on the floor. I'll post a pic in just a minute.
1982 Silverado - SBE, cleaned up GM heads, small cam, TH350, 850 Demon, 4.56 gears, and caltracs.
Best time so far 11.8@XXXMPH
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Old 01-12-2014, 06:47 PM   #22
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Re: Getting ready to start a DIY backhalf job. Any tips?

The space between the stock frame rails was 36 15/32, so I cut the crossmember to 37". Gonna sneak up on it like was mentioned. I don't know why the pics are sideways. The show just fine before I upload them. The white stuff on the ground is from me soda blasting the frame before I cut it.
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1982 Silverado - SBE, cleaned up GM heads, small cam, TH350, 850 Demon, 4.56 gears, and caltracs.
Best time so far 11.8@XXXMPH
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Old 01-16-2014, 04:23 PM   #23
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Re: Getting ready to start a DIY backhalf job. Any tips?

Was out there eatin' that elephant today. She's comin' down.
Got my wheels and tires together and rolled the truck up to my slab. I didn't have the strength to push the truck like I normally do(forgot to eat yesterday). So I pointed the front tires where I wanted to go and sat on the rear shock bar and turned the pinion by hand[with a small bar]...worked like a charm. THAT FREAKIN SPOOL SUCKS ON TURNS. Wore me out trying to turn the truck around on the concrete.
Gonna go take some mearsurements and check for level and square.

1982 Silverado - SBE, cleaned up GM heads, small cam, TH350, 850 Demon, 4.56 gears, and caltracs.
Best time so far 11.8@XXXMPH
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Old 01-16-2014, 04:30 PM   #24
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Re: Getting ready to start a DIY backhalf job. Any tips?

I really like those front bed mounts
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Old 01-16-2014, 06:04 PM   #25
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Re: Getting ready to start a DIY backhalf job. Any tips?

I'm gonna try to keep those mounts too.

This thing should be a blast to drive. It moves so easily with just hand power turning the pinion...I can just imagine how it's gonna fly with one of my motors in it(we are 3 to choose from). I haven't been this excited about a project in years.
1982 Silverado - SBE, cleaned up GM heads, small cam, TH350, 850 Demon, 4.56 gears, and caltracs.
Best time so far 11.8@XXXMPH
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