Originally Posted by Dan in Pasadena
Oops, double post. Sorry.
Yewhi, those look great. I THINK those are correct for my '55.2 as well(?) I'd love to have some. How/where'd you get them? Were they already restored or did you do that? Finally, spill the beans on just how big a pain it was to go through the administrative stuff?
Gracias! I'm really happy with them. There are a handful of people selling them on fleabay and the prices seem to run a pretty wide range. I brought them from one of the sellers who guaranteed they were clear for 30 days after purchase. Probably not necessary but good for peace of mind. They were restored and came with the 1955 tab.
As far as registering them is concerned it was easy. The form is available on line. To make it easier fill it out before you go to the DMV. You will need to have a matched pair of plates. Take the both plates to the DMV with the form, the 1955 Tab and your registration. They process them there, will photocopy both plates with the tab (make sure they do this) and charge you 45.00. The request is then sent to Sacramento and in 3-4 weeks they will send you a new registration, new tags and 2 aluminum tabs to display the tags on (I chose to use a frame that has spaces to mount the tags for a cleaner look).
Overall the process was pretty benign. I went to the DMV 2 days before Thanksgiving and the tags arrived last Friday. Quick considering there was a holiday mixed in there.